Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Nation

Spain, Italy, Portugal and Mediterranean Dialogue | Friedrich Naumann Foundation

The Madrid office seeks to strengthen cooperation and political dialogue between representatives from political parties, scientific institutions and civil society organisations from Spain, Italy, Portugal, Germany and the European sphere. We are committed to help contribute to solutions to specific regional challenges in Southern Europe and highlight best practices from this ever more important region for the European integration process. It also seeks to develop a new approach to interregional cooperation in the Mediterranean. With partner organisations, we are developing a liberal approach to geostrategic demands and opportunities in the Mare Nostrum.
and public-private collaboration with the United Nations

Tbilisi | Friedrich Naumann Foundation

The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom has been active in the South Caucasus since 1996. The work began with projects of the political education in Azerbaijan, from 2002 also in Armenia and Georgia. The office is located in Tbilisi, Georgia. The main focus of the work is the transformation process of former soviet republics towards modern democracies with free political systems based on social market economy and the rule of law.
erupting and echoes of Russian interference, the nation’s

Gamification | Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung

Politische Bildung funktioniert am besten, wenn sie spielerisch vermittelt wird („Gamification“). Dies hatte die Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit in Thailand durch das Spiel „Sim Democracy“, ein Brettspiel für Demokratie, unter Beweis gestellt. Angesichts des großen Erfolgs des Spiels entwickelte unser Büro zusammen mit dem thailändischen Justizministerium zwei Menschenrechtsspiele: „Rights Cards“ und „Rights Bingo“. Gemeinsam mit dem Thai Media Fund entwickelten wir außerdem ein Spiel zur Förderung der Medienkompetenz.
Die Vereinten Nationen lobten das Spiel als hervorragendes

Event: (10.4.2023) How will the US Election Shape Transatlantic Security

The upcoming US presidential election will not only significantly influence the United States but also extend its effects to the European Union. The election’s outcome will have profound implications for the global economy, climate policies, social movements, and geopolitical dynamics. Register now for insights from Dr. Ian Lesser and Dr. Giovanni Grevi on future US-EU security relations.
collaboration between the United States and European nations