Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Nation

Climate Change : Empowering individual accountability: Key to addressing climate change

South Asia is one of the regions predicted to be the most impacted by climate change. Its vulnerability is evident, with coastal states such as the Maldives, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka threatened by rising sea levels and flooding. Similarly, landlocked countries like Afghanistan, Bhutan and Nepal are grappling with rising temperatures, droughts and melting glaciers.
resonates as a tangible experience with each South Asian nation

Subsahara-Afrika | Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung

Die Zukunft Afrikas wird oft auf eine seltsam fantasielose und pessimistische Weise betrachtet. Doch Afrika ist ein Kontinent voller Vielfalt, Innovationen und wirtschaftlichem Potenzial.  Als liberale Stiftung sind wir überzeugt, dass nachhaltige Entwicklung und Wohlstand von starken demokratischen Institutionen abhängen. Daher fördern wir durch unsere Aktivitäten liberale Politik im Bereich der Menschenrechte, Rechtsstaatlichkeit, Marktwirtschaft und Digitalisierung.  Von unseren Büros in Johannesburg, Kapstadt, Harare, Daressalam, Nairobi, Abidjan und Dakar aus unterstützen wir Partner in Afrika bei ihrem Einsatz für liberale Werte und beim Aufbau demokratischer Strukturen.
But 22 years later, how has the nation healed, and

The War in Ukraine – South Asian Perspectives | Friedrich Naumann Foundation

It has been more than a year since Russia, in a blatant breach of international law, invaded Ukraine. With the economy and infrastructure in tatters, the war has had devastating effects on the people of Ukraine. It also upended the European post-Cold-War security architecture. Even though the physical war at present is limited to the territory of Ukraine, its economic and political impacts are felt worldwide. This paper offers a comprehensive and in-depth look at the war in Ukraine from a South Asian perspective and examines the numerous impacts it has on individual countries as well as on the region as a whole. The author has done an outstanding job of writing on complex issues like the war in Ukraine in a relatable manner, presenting viewpoints clearly and concisely. Whether a student, a professional, or simply someone interested in learning more about the war in Ukraine and its impacts on South Asia, you are certain to find this paper a valuable resource. I wholeheartedly recommend this analysis paper to anyone interested in the South Asian perspective of the war in Ukraine. I have no doubt that it will be considered a reliable and reputable source for comprehension of the current state of the war. This paper was presented during the round table conference on ‘Unseen Consequences of the War in Ukraine for South Asia: Energy Security Challenges,‘ and inputs from all South Asian experts were incorporated. The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF) Regional Office, South Asia, also receives separate papers from experts in South Asian countries. Enjoy reading the paper and do get in touch with us to share your thoughts at
impact of the war could be felt by the small Himalayan nation

Colombo | Friedrich Naumann Foundation

The association of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom with Sri Lanka is nearly five decades old. During the period 1968 to 2013, and upon recommencing its work in 2016 the Foundation’s work focuses primarily on the core values of freedom and responsibility. The Foundation’s contribution to Sri Lanka’s political, socio-economic development over the years is well accepted, recognized and appreciated by legislators, opinion leaders, academics, and civil society actors.
renewable energy Land-locked Nepal and the island nation

Rabat | Friedrich Naumann Foundation

In 1969, we were the first German political foundation to open an office in Morocco. For more than 50 years now, we have been working together with our partners from politics and civil society to promote democracy and an open society. In the wake of the Arab Spring of 2011, we are working specifically on training Morocco’s women and youth so that they can shape the future and exploit the rights and freedoms they gained. We are permanently committed to strengthening Morocco’s relations with its European partners, including of course Germany. And we like to comment on geopolitcal events from a rather unusual perspective: the North-Western tip of Africa.
a silent transformation is underway, steering the nation

KINH TẾ VIỆT NAM: Báo cáo Thường niên Kinh tế Việt Nam 2024: Chuyển dịch Năng lượng hướng tới nền Kinh tế Xanh

Hà Nội, ngày 20 tháng 06 năm 2024 đã diễn ra Hội thảo Công bố Báo cáo Kinh tế thường niên Việt Nam 2024 (BCKTTN 2024) do Viện nghiên cứu Kinh tế và Chính sách (VEPR) trực thuộc Trường Đại học Kinh Tế – ĐHQGHN phối hợp với Viện Friedrich Naumann Foundation (FNF) Việt Nam tổ chức. Hội thảo được tổ chức trực tiếp tại Hà Nội với sự tham dự của Lãnh đạo các Bộ Ban ngành, các nhà hoạch định chính sách, các nhà khoa học, các tổ chức quốc tế và cơ quan thông tấn báo chí.
between Vietnam and the US in 1975, the Southeast Asian nation

INTERNSHIP AT FNF: Fritz Kuermayr: A little closer to the world of liberalism

Fritz Kuermayr, an Austrian student, had a chance to serve abroad as an intern at the project locations of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation in Madrid (Spain) and Hanoi (Vietnam), from September 2022 to July 2023. Here he shares some thoughts upon concluding his journey as he gained valuable experiences and memories.
between Vietnam and the US in 1975, the Southeast Asian nation

Nairobi | Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Kenya is a beacon in East Africa: the largest national economy, despite many problems a functioning democracy with an active civil society, but above all a young country with well-educated, committed people. The foundation strengthens democracy and civic engagement in Kenya. It promotes entrepreneurship and free, fair trade. And it is a strong advocate for human rights. At the same time, Nairobi is home to the Global Partnership Hub, the centre of excellence for development cooperation. The Hub generates knowledge and innovative concepts from the Global South – for a better future for North and South.
what is being hailed as a new dawn for Kenya, the nation

ANALYSIS: Turmoil in Vietnam’s Bond and Real Estate Markets – Ways Out of the Crisis

In recent years, there has been an increase in overall corporate bond issuance in Vietnam. However, starting in 2022 and continuing into 2023, there was a decline in bond issuance along with a general market turmoil that affected all market participants. The article analyses the pillars on which to build a solution for Vietnam.
between Vietnam and the US in 1975, the Southeast Asian nation

Event: Digital Resilience of Taiwan and Estonia: Empowering Citizens and Boosting Global Collaboration amid Authoritarian Challenges

Taiwan and Estonia, both aware of their unique geopolitical challenges, have prioritized strategies against disinformation and cyber threats, placing a strong emphasis on digital resilience. The dialogue during the event underscored the critical role of both the public and private sectors in combating cyberattacks and the need for international cooperation among democratic allies facing authoritarian pressures.
International Cooperation In 2007, Estonia became the first nation