Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Nation

Human Rights: India’s Ruling on Same-Sex Marriage

In a historic decision that reverberates across South Asia, the Supreme Court of India has set a powerful precedent for LGBTQIA+ rights in the region. This landmark ruling not only signifies a significant step towards equality and acceptance but also underscores India’s commitment to upholding the principles of justice and human rights.
January 22nd, making Thailand Southeast Asia’s first nation

Thailand Talks : Thailand Talks 2023: Fostering Dialogue for a Resilient Society

Embark on a journey through the dynamic discussions and thought-provoking dialogues at Thailand Talks 2023, the Friedrich Naumann Foundation’s flagship event. Dive into the diverse perspectives on issues ranging from marijuana legalization to the moral compass of politicians. Discover how this event transcends traditional boundaries, shaping a path towards a more united society.
January 22nd, making Thailand Southeast Asia’s first nation

Walter-Scheel-Preis 2022: Ukrainische Bildungsaktivistin Halyna Tytysh erhält den Walter-Scheel-Preis 2022

Seit dem 24. Februar 2022 sind mehr als acht Millionen Menschen geflohen, darunter unzählige Kinder. Halyna Tytysh unterstützt sie dabei, auch während des Krieges Zugang zu Bildung zu erhalten. Mit ihrer Organisation „Smart Osvita“ bietet sie seit Jahren Kurse für Lehrkräfte und Schulleitungen an. Ihr Enthusiasmus steckt an und hilft dabei, Kindern ein selbstbestimmtes Leben zu ermöglichen. Für ihr Bildungsengagement im Zeichen des russischen Angriffskrieges erhielt Halyna Tytysh von der Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit, der Walter-Scheel-Stiftung und dem Freundeskreis Walter Scheel e.V. den Walter-Scheel-Preis 2022.
hineinwachsen und mit denen sie den Wiederaufbau der Nation

PHILIPPINES: FNF and LP convenes Political Education Forum at PUP-Manila

In order to teach the concept of liberalism and its societal significance and help future political leaders embrace political awareness as a means to advocate for the country’s welfare, the Friedrich Naumann Foundation (FNF)- Philippines collaborated with the Liberal Party of the Philippines (LP), Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP)-Political Science Society, and College of Political Science and Public Administration (CPSPA) Student Council to convene the „Kulayaan ang Kamalayan: Political Education Forum” on May 20, 2024, at PUP Sta. Mesa, Manila.
experience highlights the rich yet complex history of a nation

In India: Seeking Marriage Equality

What is currently taking place at the Supreme Court of India is nothing short of a historical moment. After the Supreme Court decriminalized Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code and held that same-sex conduct between two consenting adults would not be a criminal offence, it is now hearing 19 petitions which have been filed seeking marriage equality and legal recognition of marriage between two persons, irrespective of their sexual orientation or gender identity.
January 22nd, making Thailand Southeast Asia’s first nation

Philippinen: Dutertes Verbrechen im Visier des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofes

Tausende Menschen auf den Philippinen sind in den vergangenen Jahren gezielt getötet worden. Der Internationale Strafgerichtshof könnte Rodrigo Duterte für diese Menschenrechtsverletzungen zur Rechenschaft ziehen. Alle Versuche Dutertes, sich dem zu entziehen, scheiterten bislang.
Rodrigo Duterte bei seiner letzten Rede zur Lage der Nation

Alumni Voices: Power battle at the cost of stability

Pakistan needs mature leadership, supported by the majority, which can bring the country forward. The media and people must support this effort. The alternative scenario is disastrous and will engulf even the most powerful. Read the argument for cooler heads, dialogue and elections to once again centre the citizenry and focus on things that matter like economy rather than fanning the conflict.
What all of this boils down to is that the Pakistani nation

Africa At A Crossroads: Africa’s growing geo-political influence

Three back-to-back visits by major world powers to Africa ahead of February’s African Union Summit follow a flurry of important diplomatic visits in 2022, including by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and French President Emmanuel Macron. Together, they signal attention to Africa’s rising political and economic bargaining power globally, which has been brought into sharp focus by the Russian war in Ukraine. “It’s a sign of increased attention to the continent.”
Janet Yellen in January as she embarked on a three-nation