Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Nation

EVENT: FNF Vietnam’s 2024 Partner Meeting in Hanoi: Celebrating Transitions

Hanoi, June 20, 2024 – The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom in Vietnam (FNF Vietnam) successfully hosted its annual Partner Meeting in Hanoi. This year, the event marks a significant milestone for FNF Vietnam as it welcomes Mrs. Vanessa Steinmetz as the new Country Director. Concurrently, FNF Vietnam bids farewell to Prof. Dr. Andreas Stoffers as he embarks on a new professional journey.
between Vietnam and the US in 1975, the Southeast Asian nation

EVENT: FNF và VEPR phối hợp tổ chức Khoá học Mùa hè 2023

Chương trình Khoá học Mùa hè 2023, do Viện Nghiên cứu Kinh tế và Chính sách (thuộc Trường Đại học Kinh tế, Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội) phối hợp với Viện Friedrich Naumann Foundation (FNF) Việt Nam tổ chức tại Thái Nguyên từ ngày 07/9 đến ngày 10/9/2023 đã nêu ra rất nhiều vấn đề để thảo luận sôi nổi giữa giảng viên và các bạn sinh viên.
between Vietnam and the US in 1975, the Southeast Asian nation

MENA: Migration and More: Auftakt für digitale Mittelmeerkooperation in Pandemie-Zeiten

Ausgehend von den migrationspolitischen Herausforderungen wollen wir den Mittelmeerraum durch liberale Dialog- und Bildungsmaßnahmen als Chancenregion in den Fokus rücken und so Wachstum, Beschäftigung und gesellschaftspolitischen Fortschritt fördern. Den Auftakt machte die „Euro-MENA-Show“, ein Online-Tag mit unserem Projektpartner „Casa Árabe“.
Dazu gehörte bspw. eine Kochshow zur Startup-Nation

Women Empowerment: Building Capacity for Women Leaders in Technology Application in Yen Bai

From August 22nd to 23rd, the FNF Vietnam, in collaboration with the Yen Bai Provincial Women’s Union, organized a training session on „Enhancing the Capacity for Women Leaders in Yen Bai Province in Technology Application“ for 90 participants, who were leaders of provincial, city, and district-level Women’s Unions in Yen Bai Province.
between Vietnam and the US in 1975, the Southeast Asian nation

Event: (5.7.2023) Continuity or Change? The Next Chapter of EU-Turkey Relations

2023 is a significant year for Turkey, marking the 100th anniversary of the Turkish Republic and recent elections. Despite economic challenges and geopolitical shifts, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has been re-elected, raising questions about Turkey’s foreign policy and its impact on EU-Turkey relations. Join us with our speakers Beate Apelt, Demir Murat Seyrek and moderator Sahra Lissek as we explore Turkey’s evolving political landscape, its regional relationships, and discuss the future of EU-Turkey ties.
part of its vision of becoming a modern, secular nation

Revolutionizing Entrepreneurship: From Ideas to Action: Project Youth CORE Transforms Youth into Entrepreneurs

The youth of this generation continue to surpass the capacities of what came before as they begin to capitalize on the new tools and technologies that provide boundless avenues for their potential. Through Project Youth CORE, FNF Philippines & LGU Del Carmen sought to revolutionize the landscape of youth leadership and entrepreneurship.
experience highlights the rich yet complex history of a nation

Kommunen in Deutschland: Lokale Verbundenheit

Menschen mit lokaler Verbundenheit haben seltener eine populistische Wahlabsicht, sind Befürworter der Demokratie und engagieren sich deutlich häufiger ehrenamtlich. Wie eine aktuelle Umfrage im Auftrag der Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit zeigt, bringt eine starke emotionale Verbundenheit mit dem Wohnort viele positiven Eigenschaften mit sich. Es ist daher an der Zeit, die Stärke der Kommunen in Deutschland zu entfesseln.
in ihrer Kommune als durch das Leben innerhalb der Nation

Human Rights: Reflection On The Value Of Personal Freedom

„The chains that bound my own freedom may have been removed but there are still thousands who remain in unjust detention, and we are all still shackled to systemic injustices. For freedom is not personal. While it starts with individual aspirations based on our beliefs and desires, it extends beyond the individual to intertwine with the freedom of others.“ – Atty. Leila De Lima
experience highlights the rich yet complex history of a nation