Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Nation

Meintest du nations?

EVENT: The Vietnam Annual Economy Report 2023: Business Linkage and Development for an Autonomous Economy

In Hanoi, on June 22nd, 2023, the Launching Conference of the Vietnam Annual Economy Report 2023 was held by the Vietnam Institute for Economic and Policy Research (VEPR) in collaboration with FNF Vietnam. The report, with the theme “ Business Linkage and Development for an Autonomous Economy,“ presents several important policy recommendations aimed at enhancing the competitiveness of businesses and strengthening business linkages in the new context.
between Vietnam and the US in 1975, the Southeast Asian nation

Women Empowerment: Building Capacity for Women Leaders in Technology Application in Yen Bai

From August 22nd to 23rd, the FNF Vietnam, in collaboration with the Yen Bai Provincial Women’s Union, organized a training session on „Enhancing the Capacity for Women Leaders in Yen Bai Province in Technology Application“ for 90 participants, who were leaders of provincial, city, and district-level Women’s Unions in Yen Bai Province.
between Vietnam and the US in 1975, the Southeast Asian nation

Women Empowerment: Building Capacity for Women Leaders in Technology Application in Yen Bai

From August 22nd to 23rd, the FNF Vietnam, in collaboration with the Yen Bai Provincial Women’s Union, organized a training session on „Enhancing the Capacity for Women Leaders in Yen Bai Province in Technology Application“ for 90 participants, who were leaders of provincial, city, and district-level Women’s Unions in Yen Bai Province.
between Vietnam and the US in 1975, the Southeast Asian nation

Women Empowerment: Building Capacity for Women Leaders in Technology Application in Yen Bai

From August 22nd to 23rd, the FNF Vietnam, in collaboration with the Yen Bai Provincial Women’s Union, organized a training session on „Enhancing the Capacity for Women Leaders in Yen Bai Province in Technology Application“ for 90 participants, who were leaders of provincial, city, and district-level Women’s Unions in Yen Bai Province.
between Vietnam and the US in 1975, the Southeast Asian nation

EVENT: Vietnam Women Union visits FNF Headquarters in Germany

On June 1st, 2023, the Executive Director of FNF in Germany, Ms. Annett Witte, was honored to welcome a delegation from the Vietnam Women’s Union and the Center for Women and Development to our headquarters in Germany. Leading the delegation was Ms. Do Thi Thu Thao, Party Committee Secretary and Standing Vice Chairwoman of the Vietnam Women’s Union.
between Vietnam and the US in 1975, the Southeast Asian nation

Regional Cooperation: Ι. Youth Cooperation Without Borders

On 2022, SEE in Action with the support of Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom Greece and Cyprus has materialised the project “Strengthening bonds between alienated neighbours in the region: Greece, Bulgaria, North Macedonia”. The ambitious and innovative project aimed to bring together the youth of the three countries in an environment of cooperation and mutual understanding and provide an open space for dialogue on issues that concern youth in the respective countries.
Freedom Greece & Cyrpus Borders and nation-states

Türkei : 100 Jahre Türkei

Vordergründig hat sich die Türkei rund um den 100. Jahrestag der Republikgründung in Festtagsstimmung und rotem Fahnenkleid präsentiert. Doch das Erinnern ist gespalten: Während die Opposition stolz und dankbar des Republikgründers Atatürk gedachte, versuchte die Regierung das Ereignis möglichst tief zu hängen und betonte die Errungenschaften der Amtszeit Erdogans. Besonders eine großangelegte Pro-Palästina-Kundgebung am Vorabend stellte den Festtag in den Schatten.
in Cafés versammelten und das Bild einer feiernden Nation

Publication: Energy Security

Energy security is a key factor in Ukraine’s and Europe’s resilience to Russian aggression. Cutting the energy supply is a core element of Russian offensive tactics – on the one hand, to demoralise Ukraine, and on the other, to break the West’s unity in supporting Ukrainian consumer protests. How could the energy supply be restored and secured in the shortest possible time?
access to information has been crushed, plunging the nation

Civic Education: 2024 Elections: Promoting Civic Participation

With the election year fast approaching, FNF Indonesia and the Institute of Empowerment Movement (LEGEPE) organized an Intermediate Civic Education program in Semarang on 3 – 4 June 2023. The primary aim of this initiative was to encourage and foster civil participation in politics, while also equipping participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to navigate potential conflicts that may emerge in the lead-up to the election.
longstanding commitment to the betterment of our nation