Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Nation

Meintest du nations?

Prisoners of Conscience 2019: Political Prisoners from East and Southeast Europe

Every year hundreds of people around the world are wrongfully imprisoned for no other reason than being critical of those in power. In some countries such as Azerbaijan, Turkey, and Russia, human rights advocates, opposition leaders, journalists, activists and others have been targets of persecution and crackdowns on critical voices. They have become prisoners of conscience. Download now the full report „Prisoners of Conscience: Political Prisoners from East and Southeast Europe“.   Raising awareness is crucial, as one political prisoner is one too many. 
January 22nd, making Thailand Southeast Asia’s first nation

Human Rights: Resilience against Injustice Lawyers as Human Rights Defenders

Lawyers as Heroes of Freedom: Their courage defies authoritarian regimes. In the new publication ‚Resisting Injustice – Lawyers as Human Rights Defenders,‘ discover how they defend human rights and become targets of persecution. A glimpse into their challenging role in the battle for the rule-of-law.
January 22nd, making Thailand Southeast Asia’s first nation

EVFTA: VCCI & FNF: Business Handbook “Exploiting the EVFTA to import and export between Vietnam & Germany”

To support business from both Germany and Vietnam in import and export procedures of Germany and Vietnam and maximize benefits that EVFTA can bring to bilateral trade, Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) with the support of the FNF Vietnam compiled and published „Business Handbook – Exploiting the EVFTA to import and export goods between Vietnam and Germany.
between Vietnam and the US in 1975, the Southeast Asian nation

Dar es Salaam | Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung

In Ostafrika betreut die Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit seit 1991 Projekte in Tansania und Kenia. Tansania befindet sich seit Anfang der 1990er Jahre in einem politischen und wirtschaftlichen Transformationsprozess hin zu einem pluralistischen politischen System und einer freien Marktwirtschaft. Die Stiftung unterstützt ihre Partner beim Aufbau politischer Führungs- und Parteistrukturen. Wir helfen bei der Stärkung der Zivilgesellschaft für eine demokratisch legitimierte Regierungsführung, die Meinungsfreiheit, Versammlungsfreiheit und Rechenschaftspflicht garantiert und schützt und die Möglichkeiten für Entwicklung und Wachstum schafft.
But 22 years later, how has the nation healed, and