Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: NATO

Franco-German Relations: Franco-German Defence Cooperation

A number of major dossiers on the future of defence cooperation in the EU are on the agenda of the next German government (federal elections scheduled for September this year). Looking at the different defence policies in Germany and France, the fundamental debate between inclusiveness and the ability to act in European foreign and defence policy becomes apparent.
is inclusive and consensus-oriented and perceives the European contribution to NATO

Reshape Europe: Reshape Europe Hackathon

The Friedrich Naumann Foundation North America hosted its Reshape Europe Hackathon in Washington, DC, from May 13 to 17, 2023, with the theme „How can we make the EU more visible in the United States?“. Four two-person teams conceptualized and proposed methods to achieve this goal. They were given three days to work on their proposals, after which they presented their finished product to the judging panel, and a winning team was selected.
He acknowledged Biden’s recognition of the importance of NATO and the EU, and explained

North America | Friedrich Naumann Foundation

The North America Regional Office in Washington, D.C. is composed of two pillar programs. The Transatlantic Dialogue Program fosters political dialogue among political, business, scientific and cultural multipliers from the US, Canada and Germany and develops innovative liberal approaches and solutions to transatlantic issues. The World Order and Globalization Hub fosters dialogue among political, business and scientific multipliers by encouraging increased mutual understanding within the global economic landscape. Both initiatives seek to facilitate a transfer of knowledge among experts in order to make a worldwide contribution to social and economic progress.  DE
Theresa Caroline Winter Not Braindead, but Necessary – Clear Majorities for NATO

France: Between Past and Future

On 22.02.1963, former Federal Chancellor Konrad Adenauer and French President Charles de Gaulle built the foundation for a new era of friendship between Germany and France with the signing of the Élysée Treaty. On the 61st anniversary of this event, we take a look at the current state of the German-French friendship.
and Tunisia in the face of the challenges of the Mediterranean 01.10.2024 NATO

CELAC-EU Summit : CELAC-EU Summit

At the long-awaited EU-CELAC summit, a disappointingly vague final declaration was issued: the autocracies in Latin America, especially Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua, prevented a clear naming of Russia as the aggressor in the Ukraine war. The lack of agreement highlights the challenges in the relationship between Europe and Latin America, where economic cooperation and eye-to-eye collaboration are crucial to promote democratic and liberal values.
Democracy: Yamandú Orsi Becomes the New President of Uruguay 01.10.2024 NATO

Let’s reshape Europe together! | Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Europe is facing a multitude of challenges that are among the most serious in history. Following the motto „Reshape Europe,“ we are therefore launching a global dialogue on how Europe can become more resilient in order to stand up to the enemies of freedom worldwide. This requires bold steps that strengthen the EU internally as well as externally: How can we strengthen European defense capabilities and thus make the EU a serious global player in security policy? How can the EU’s economic power be strengthened and its supply of raw materials and energy become less dependent on authoritarian regimes? What can the EU learn from other world regions in this regard? How to truly integrate and unite the EU politically so that it, together with its partners, is capable of defending the liberal world order as a global actor with a common voice? Join our discussions and visit our events on the future of Europe.
Finnland und Schweden auf dem Weg in die NATO Dem Lichte zugewandt Veranstaltungen

Bukarest | Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung

Die FNF ist seit 1991 in Rumänien präsent. 2014 wurde dann in Bukarest ein Büro für Rumänien und sein Partnerland Moldawien eröffnet. In 30 Jahren unablässiger Tätigkeit hat sie mit allen lokalen liberalen Parteien, Kräften und NROs zusammengearbeitet, die für das Ideal der Freiheit kämpfen. Der wichtigste politische Partner ist heute die USR Partei. Die Stärkung der liberalen Jugend und der Frauenbewegung innerhalb und außerhalb politischer und unpolitischer Organisationen bleibt ein zentraler Schwerpunkt unserer Arbeit. Deshalb ist die Stiftung heute eine anerkannte Stimme des wahren Liberalismus in Rumänien.
Auch Rumäniens Staatspräsident Klaus Iohannis erhebt Anspruch auf den NATO-Chefposten

Event: (28.6.2023) The Disinformation Landscape Across Europe

Come join us this Wednesday for an insightful webinar on the disinformation landscape across europe brought to you by FNF Europe and EU DisinfoLab. In this webinar, we will present our series of country factsheets that highlight the disinformation landscape across EU Member States, from the most emblematic cases to recurrent narratives, community actors, and policy initiatives. Our panel of experts dedicated to studying and combating this phenomenon will share their thoughts and extensive knowledge, and answer your questions during the Q&A.
NATO 2024 15.07.2024 Theresa Caroline Winter Jeroen Dobber Strategic reorientation

Ukraine: Ukraine

Der Konflikt zwischen Russland und der Ukraine verdeutlicht den dringenden Bedarf für mehr Kooperation unter liberalen Demokratien. Ein Bündnis liberaler Demokratien sollte dabei helfen, handelspolitische Schranken abzubauen, so einseitige Abhängigkeit von Autokratien zu reduzieren und rechtsstaatliche Standards für die Weltwirtschaft voranzutreiben.
Vorschläge zum Aufbau eines transatlantischen Wirtschaftsraumes, einer Art Handels-NATO

9/11: Ground Zero – the Global War on Terror and the Fight for Liberal Values

September 11, 2001. A day of catastrophic consequences for liberal democracies worldwide – ineffable loss of life, the rise of a new wave of terrorism, the spreading of (newfound) fear and islamophobia in societies. The fight for liberal values elsewhere is contrasted with restricting our own liberal ideals at home – through surveillance and increased policing as preventative security provision.
09.10.2024 The 20th Bodrum Roundtable 01.10.2024 NATO top job goes to Mark