Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Medien

How has Swiss biodiversity policy been performing over the last 30 yrs?

Dieses Projekt ist durch die wiederholte Aussage der OECD legitimiert, dass die Biodiversitätspolitik eine Schwachstelle der Schweizer Umweltpolitik sei. Mit moderner Texterkennung evaluieren wir wie die Biodiversitätspolitik in der Schweiz implementiert wird.
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Give and take: how much water does soil retain for trees?

Establishing an inventory of soil water availability to trees in Swiss forest soils. This is done by means of model-based analysis of the water balances at 16 long-term monitoring sites in Switzerland, representing various geographical locations, soil and vegetation types.
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Our project combines high-resolution field measurements, modelling and participatory workshops in the fields of plant ecology, atmospheric chemistry and social urban science. We expect our work to lead to the elaboration of feasible nature-based solutions strategies for our cities where environmental, sociocultural, and infrastructural factors are fully co-considered.
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