Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Medien

VAUNET zur Zukunft der digitalen Radioübertragung – VAUNET

Anlässlich des in Berlin stattfindenden Digitalradiotags 2019 der Medienanstalten fordert der VAUNET eine schnellstmögliche Lösung der offenen Fragen für die Einführung des Übertragungsstandards DAB+ bei den privaten Radioanbietern und eine gleichberechtigte Finanzierungsgrundlage für die Privaten und die ARD.
AV-Medienbranche Audio Video Themen Themen Politik & Recht Marktentwicklung Medien

Pay-TV Celebrates New Audience Records and Invests in Local In-house Productions – VAUNET

Pay-TV and video services continue to record rising demand throughout the German-speaking territories and are investing to an increasing extent in local in-house productions. These are the key findings of the market analysis Pay-TV in Germany 2018.
AV-Medienbranche Audio Video Themen Themen Politik & Recht Marktentwicklung Medien

Audio and audiovisual media see moderate ad revenue growth in 2023 in Germany – VAUNET

The VAUNET spring forecast for the advertising market in 2023 in Germany shows: Advertising revenue in the audio and audiovisual media is expected to rise moderately by about 1.2 per cent after slight declines in 2022. Since 2019, the development in the advertising market is very volatile, impending advertising bans endanger media and opintion diversity.
AV-Medienbranche Audio Video Themen Themen Politik & Recht Marktentwicklung Medien

Media consumption in 2023: Average daily use of audio and audiovisual media in Germany approaches 10 hours – VAUNET

People in Germany used audio and audiovisual media for almost 10 hours a day in 2023. Compared to 2022, media usage is only slightly down, but is still almost an hour higher than in the pre-corona period. To mark the 40th anniversary of private broadcasting, the VAUNET Media Usage Analysis 2023 also shows the course of media usage over the last 40 years.
AV-Medienbranche Audio Video Themen Themen Politik & Recht Marktentwicklung Medien