Takydromus tachydromoides – bibliography https://www.lacerta.de/AS/Bibliografie.php?Genus=3&Species=24&Taxon=1
cold-treatment and hibernation lowered TRPV4 expression, but in a tissue/organ-specific manner
cold-treatment and hibernation lowered TRPV4 expression, but in a tissue/organ-specific manner
nature of the common patterns, and whether co-occurring species respond in a similar manner
that LCT binds to TRα in the similar way of T3, while PBA binds to TRβ in the same manner
nature of the common patterns, and whether co-occurring species respond in a similar manner
Furthermore, refuge distance and escape angle interacted in a substrate-independent manner
The scales on the lizard`s regenerating tail develop in a different manner from those
neurogenesis, differentiation, and other aspects, eventually in a heterochronic manner