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Collections Policy – Natural History Collections + Labs

Mission Statement Purpose Acquisitions Museum Collections How Natural History Objects and Collections are Acquired Priorities for Acquisition Ethics of Acquisition Laws Governing Acquisition Conditions of Acceptance Acceptance of Large Collections Standards of Documentati
Acquisitions made in this manner must be accompanied by a Deed of Gift, [see Appendix

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Annotation of Herbarium Specimens: Recommendations – University of Florida Herbarium (FLAS)

Introduction The value of herbarium specimens are improved by careful annotation. Annotations bring the scientific names of specimens up-to-date to conform with current species concepts. This helps herbaria organize their collections and they are an integral part of curatorial management. Annotatio
the last line which is typically your name or project name by formatting in this manner

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White Shark – Discover Fishes

Carcharodon carcharias The white shark (or great white) is one of the best known sharks, yet relatively little is known about its biology. It is one of the largest species of sharks, with an estimated maximum size of about 20 feet (600 cm) (Fergusson et al. 2009), though there are unconfirmed
White sharks usually cruise in a purposeful manner, either just off the bottom or

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Tiger beetles fight off bat attacks with ultrasonic mimicry – Research News

Bats, as the main predator of night-flying insects, create a selective pressure that has led many of their prey to evolve an early warning system of sorts: ears uniquely tuned to high-frequency bat echolocation. To date, scientists have found at least six orders of insects – including moths, beetles
insects, and we just don’t know simply because we haven’t been testing in this manner

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Lab Code of Conduct – The Kawahara Lab

Created: 19 Sep. 2022 Last reviewed: 18 Jan. 2024 Version 1.4 Created by: Toshita Barve, Ana Carvalho, Scott Cinel, Christian Couch, Hailey Dansby, Keating Godfrey, Lillian Hendrick, Nick Homziak, Akito Kawahara, Amanda Markee, Jose Martinez, Brandon Parker, Taylor Pierson, David Plotkin, J
timelines, experiments, and professional development opportunities in a timely manner

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Shark Fishing in the U.S. – Discover Fishes

Shark fishing in the United States occurs both recreationally and commercially. Commercial shark fishers use methods that allow them to catch large quantities of sharks to be sold at market. Recreational shark fishers mainly catch sharks for the thrill of the catch, trophies and/or personal consumpt
The net is then hauled back using the hydraulic rollers in the same manner as a drift

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Walking Catfish – Discover Fishes

Clarias batrachus This long, dark fish has lung-like organs and a high tolerance to harsh living conditions, and it can leave the water to walk/wiggle to a better location as long as it stays moist. Although it is native to Southeast Asia, it has successfully invaded other areas with the help of
The head is flat and broad and the body tapers to the tail in a manner that calls

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About Us – Florida Museum of Natural History

Inspiring people to care about life on Earth. Our Vision We inspire people to care about life on Earth and help shape a world in which nature and culture enrich every person. Our Mission We investigate, document and interpret biological and cultural heritage, fostering deep connections between p
to accept, preserve, maintain, or dispose of these specimens and materials in a manner

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Herbaria & Herbarium Specimens – University of Florida Herbarium (FLAS)

What is a herbarium? A herbarium (Latin: hortus siccus) is a collection of plant samples preserved for long-term study, usually in the form of dried and pressed plants mounted on paper. The dried and mounted plant samples are generally referred to as herbarium specimens. Other materials in the herb
systems), the plant materials in most herbaria are organized in a very precise manner

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Not a pot to ‘cook’ in – Research News

Irving Rouse, the doyen of Caribbean archaeology, once estimated that pottery comprised 90% of all artifacts found in the region. It should come as no surprise then that the precontact history of the islands is written as if broken pieces of pottery (called sherds[1]) – not people – were the main ac
It is processed in a manner very similar to making cassava bread.

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