Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Mann

Green turtles and seagrasses – Saving Wildlife

Green turtles consume seagrasses as a major part of their diet across much of their global range. As green turtle populations begin to recover and increase in abundance, it is critical to understand how seagrass meadows – now greatly diminished as a result of human activities – will be able to suppo
By foraging in this manner, they have a higher quality diet, but they also greatly

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Bryophyte and Lichen specimen preparation – University of Florida Herbarium (FLAS)

To all FLAS specimens, we add an archival card (5 1/2″ x 5 ¾“) to give additional support to the specimens, and to provide a flat paper surface on which to apply the barcode label and annotations. The barcode labels we place on the upper right side of the card. The barcodes used for this project
The specimens lacking accession numbers were assigned barcodes in a sequential manner

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Luna Moth – Rare, Beautiful & Fascinating: 100 Years @FloridaMuseum

Evolutionary changes are sometimes driven by relationships to other organisms. Researchers discovered that the Luna Moth evolved long spinning tails to defend against bats in a 60-million-year-old nocturnal “evolutionary arms race.” Summary Luna Moth (Actias luna) From Alachua Co., Florida, 201
So these tails that these Luna Moths have actually spin behind their bodies in a manner

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Florida Museum botany doctoral graduate wins Cooley Award – Research News

The American Society of Plant Taxonomists has selected Rebecca Stubbs as its 2018 George R. Cooley Award recipient. Considered one of the most prestigious early-career recognitions in the plant sciences, the award is named for Cooley, a successful banker who studied plants and worked in conservation
substantially complete, synthetic and original that is presented in a clear and engaging manner

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NSF grant will improve digital access to museum vertebrate fossils – Research News

The Florida Museum of Natural History recently received a $500,000 collections grant from the National Science Foundation to improve online accessibility of vertebrate fossils in Florida. Jonathan Bloch, a museum curator of vertebrate paleontology and principal investigator for the project, s
scientists’ ability to store, prepare, curate and digitize the findings in a timely manner

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Museum Bylaws – About Us

Mission Statement of the Florida Museum of Natural History The Florida Museum of Natural History is Florida’s state museum of natural history, dedicated to understanding, preserving and interpreting biological diversity and cultural heritage. Legislative Mandate for the Florida Museum of Natural H
such decisions consistent with applicable policies and procedures, in a timely manner

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Self-Guided Field Trips at the Museum – Field Trips

Self-guided visits are available for groups to visit Museum exhibits, Butterfly Rainforest and/or Special Exhibit in person without the benefit of docents or staff. You may self-guide multiple exhibits. Self-Guided Field Trip Options Self-guided visits may be scheduled anytime Monday through Fr
all times for ensuring your group explores the Museum in a safe and respectful manner

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New book sheds light on importance of pottery to early peoples – Research News

A new book by a Florida Museum researcher challenges traditional theories about the exchange of prehistoric pottery and its value among ancient peoples in north Florida and southern Georgia. “The Swift Creek Gift: Vessel Exchange on the Atlantic Coast” by Neill Wallis, an assistant curator of arc
but nobody had approached this research in such a systematic and comprehensive manner

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How to Use This Site – Historical Archaeology

To browse and learn about specific historic-period ceramic types, or groups of types: Go to the List of Types page and select the type in which you are interested. This will produce thumbnail images of all examples of that type in our collection. You can also link to the written description and typ
Paste Color Color of the interior clay body of the sherd Surface Finish/Glaze The manner

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Along the perimeter fence: Guantanamo Bay, Cuba – Research News

The Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, is the oldest U.S. military installation on foreign soil. It was established at the end of the Spanish-American war and celebrated its centennial in 2003. Although it recently was relegated to what the Navy terms “minimum pillar” or its lowest level of operati
The low desert vegetation is punctuated by all manner of thorny shrubs and cacti.

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