Julian Koch, M.Sc., M.Sc. | IFPT https://www.tuhh.de/ifpt/institut/mitarbeiter/wissenschaftliche-mitarbeiter/julian-koch-msc-msc
Dirk; Gomse, Martin; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten; Schoepflin, Daniel PrePrint (2023) Link
Dirk; Gomse, Martin; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten; Schoepflin, Daniel PrePrint (2023) Link
Online-Infosession: Pre-Arrival meeting for exchange students 2024/25 Meeting link
Control of Multibody Systems 07/18/2022 We would like to draw attention to the <link
[DOI] [Link] Rosenthal-von der Pütten, A. M., Hastall, M.
Link to TUNE Introduction to Machine Learning in Engineering
upcoming Conference on Optimization (OP21) and the Annual Meeting (AN21), see <link
wind park installation, for which we developed a method to compute impact forces, link
Click on the following link to have a look at the poster. Congratulations!
For this purpose a link has been created between a rule scantling tool on one side
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