Archives & Access: Learning outreach and volunteering programmes | Tate
They made links between the hospital, medical objects, experiences of healthcare
They made links between the hospital, medical objects, experiences of healthcare
This Audio Arts issue, originally published as an audio cassette magazine in 1996, includes Simon Patterson, Rose Finn-Kelcey, Miroslaw Balka, Tony Oursler, Annie Sprinkle, Patrick Wright, Ian Breakwell, Helen Chadwick
work at the Hayward Gallery in 1995, Finn-Kelcey gave a talk during which these links
Artist page for Natalia Goncharova (1881–1962)
.1 Her father was an architect and mathematician.2 Her mother’s family had close links
Tate resource with suggested discussion, research and activity suggestions using Constable’s themes and techniques as a starting point
Use the links below to watch artists talking about places that are important to them
rhythm and exceed the physical object to express the invisible, a transcendence that links
Lamia Joreige, an artist who lives and works in Beirut, Lebanon discusses Guy Tillim’s photographs in the series Avenue Patrice Lumumba
this, the photographs felt as if suspended in an indefinite time with no necessary links
The spinning and weaving of the spider’s web links to Bourgeois’s own mother, who
archive staff in their additional TMS cataloguing (e.g. to propagate constituent links
Explore the creativity, achievements and important legacy of the Bloomsbury circle with this Tate Look Closer resource
Omega also encouraged links between designers and fine artists, and many of the furnishings