Percy W. Bridgman – Photo gallery –
Mott – Other resources Other resources Links to other sites more Emily Greene
Mott – Other resources Other resources Links to other sites more Emily Greene
Teacher’s guide A Swedish version of the lesson is available at This is a step-by-step timetable for the Nobel Prize Lesson – a ready to use lesson on the 2020 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. The lesson is designed to take 45 minutes. Teacher’s Guide (PDF 60K) 1. Warm-up (5 min) Ask […]
Links for further information Press release for the 2020 Nobel Prize in Physiology
Teacher’s guide A Swedish version of the lesson will be available at This is a step-by-step timetable for the Nobel Prize Lesson – a ready to use lesson on the 2019 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. The lesson is designed to take 45 minutes. Teacher’s Guide (PDF 60K) 1. Warm-up (5 min)Ask your […]
Links for further information Press release for the 2019 Nobel Prize in Physiology
Teacher’s guide This is a step-by-step timetable for the Nobel Prize Lesson – a ready to use lesson on the 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics. The lesson is designed to take 45 minutes and includes a teacher’s guide, a slide show, a speaker’s manuscript, videos and a student work sheet. A Swedish version […]
Links for further information Press release for the 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics Popular
This is a step-by-step timetable for the Nobel Prize Lesson – a ready to use lesson on the 2019 Nobel Prize in Literature.
Links for further information Biobibliographical notes – Olga Tokarczuk Biobibliographical
In their journey towards the Nobel Prize, each Nobel Laureate has looked at a problem in a new way. They have used creativity to tackle existing problems, or identify new frontiers.
his work comes in part from reading very widely, which often reveals unexpected links
Her research has generated new knowledge on the links between urbanisation and food
“I am convinced that greater openness towards the outside world would be good for the Swedish Academy” The Swedish Academy has decided to postpone the 2018 Nobel Prize in Literature. The Nobel Foundation supports the decision. Lars Heikensten, Executive Director of the Nobel Foundation, answers some questions concerning this decision: Photo: Kari Kohvakka Why will […]
The links to the #MeToo aspects thus makes it even more important to deal with the
These links to the State have gradually been severed.
On 27 November 1895, Alfred Nobel signed his last will and testament, giving the largest share of his fortune to a series of prizes, the Nobel Prizes. As described in Nobel’s will one part was dedicated to “the person who shall have made the most important chemical discovery or improvement”. Learn more about the Nobel […]
Click on the links to get more information.