Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Link

Mit rechtlicher Expertise gegen den Klimawandel

Die globale Erwärmung zeigt bereits jetzt drastische Auswirkungen. Sie beeinträchtigt dabei auch grundlegende Rechte. Juristen des Max-Planck-Instituts für Völkerrecht haben nun einen Aufruf an Kollegen weltweit gestartet, ihr Fachwissen und ihren Einfluss zu nutzen, um eine Klimakatastrophe abzuwenden.
(Link zum PDF)   mehr Climate science is supporting lawsuits that could help save

Solar and wind energy may stabilise the power grid

A decentralized power grid with many small wind generators, solar generators and other renewable energy transducers along with additional power lines may be less vulnerable to outages than a centralized power grid with a small number of large power plants, because self-synchronization occurs in the former. This finding was made through simulations performed by the research team led by M. Timme at the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organisation. However, they found that it is important for grid stability that new lines are planned with care in order to avoid Braess’s Paradox.
self-synchronizes, it might be assumed that synchronization would become easier with each new link