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TandemLaunch licenses new 3D technology

Max Planck Innovation, the technology transfer organization of the Max Planck Society together with the Patent Marketing Agency of Saarland Universities have licensed a new method for processing digital stereo image content to TandemLaunch Technologies, a Canada based company, which develops multimedia inventions into consumer technologies. The new “Backward-compatible Stereo 3D” technology makes it possible to watch movies in 3D, when wearing glasses, and 2D without glasses at the same time.
Innovation, München +49 89 290919-30 Related Link

Enzymes for cell wall synthesis conserved across species barriers

Plants have neither supportive bone tissue nor muscles, and yet they can form rigid structures like stalks and even tree trunks. This is due to the fact that plant cells are enveloped by a stable cell wall. The main component of the plant cell wall is cellulose, which represents almost 50 percent of the total cell wall material and, at one billion tonnes per year, is the most frequently produced macromolecule in nature.
consists of three different CesA (cellulose synthase) proteins which supposedly link

Die Digitalisierung im Spiel besiegen

Robotik, Digitalisierung und Künstliche Intelligenz verändern viele Berufe. Arbeitsplätze fallen weg, neue kommen hinzu. In dem Online-Spiel „The Automated Life“ können Nutzer*innen jetzt ausprobieren, wie sie in einer Arbeitswelt bestehen, die sich ständig weiter automatisiert. Entwickelt wurde das Spiel im Forschungsbereich „Mensch und Maschine“ am Max-Planck-Institut für Bildungsforschung.
für Bildungsforschung, Berlin +49 30 82406-284 Link

“Climate change mitigation through the freeloader effect”

On the occasion of the UN Climate Change Conference in Durban, South Africa, Jochem Marotzke, Director at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg, talks about the climate summit’s chances of producing a result and tells us that effective mitigation measures are still within grasp.
Marotzke: Our most recent research offers a good pointer: We need to establish a link