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A Smoking Gun for Supermassive Binaries in Active Galactic Nuclei

An international research team led by Silke Britzen from the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy in Bonn, Germany, has investigated blazars, accreting supermassive black holes in the centers of galaxies. Blazars show up when one of the emitted jets in the active galactic nucleus is pointing directly towards the Earth. The researchers present evidence that it is in fact the precession of the jet source, either caused by the presence of a second massive black hole close to the primary one or a warped accretion disk around a single black hole, that is responsible for the observed variability in blazars.
essentially predicta-ble, as it can be understood in geometrical terms (Fig. 2 and link

Concentrated excellence – first Max Planck Schools selected

Germany has gained a new graduate education brand with international appeal: in 2018, three selected Max Planck Schools will open for an initial five-year pilot phase. Each School brings together exceptional scientists from across Germany in an innovative field of research. This intelligent networking method aims to further enhance the visibility of German science in the international arena, thereby attracting outstanding junior scientists from around the world.
the German Rectors‘ Conference, Horst Hippler, joined the conference via video link

The discovery of ancient Salmonella

Using Salmonella enterica genomes recovered from human skeletons as old as 6,500 years, an international team of researchers illustrates the evolution of a human pathogen and provides the first ancient DNA evidence in support of the hypothesis that the cultural transition from foraging to farming facilitated the emergence of human-adapted pathogens that persist until today.
Salmonella The discovery of ancient Salmonella Oldest reconstructed bacterial genomes link