Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Link

Jüdisches Museum BerlinStrapazen einer Wahrheitssucherin (Teil zwei) – Blogerim בלוגרים – Blogerim בלוגרים

Die Ausstellung »Die ganze Wahrheit … was Sie schon immer über Juden wissen wollten« wird nächste Woche eröffnet. Das Kuratorinnenteam tritt ein paar Schritte zurück, um die schönen Schaukästen zu bewundern, und wir beglückwünschen uns reihum zu dem gelungenen Ergebnis unserer Arbeit. Schön wär’s. Folgen Sie mir durch meinen Nachmittag: 13:45    Nachdem wir in der …
Da hat sich übrigens ein kleiner Tippfehler eingeschlichen, der Link führt zu einem

Jewish Museum BerlinThe Power of Hair – Blogerim בלוגרים – Blogerim בלוגרים

Of Persian fairy tales and female self-determination In the course of the new exhibition Cherchez la femme – which deals with the covering of women within the idea of the monotheism of the three leading religions – we spoke with Iranian artist Mandana Moghaddam. Her artwork Chelgis (pronounced “Gelgis”) contributes to the concept of the …
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Jewish Museum BerlinA Story from the Kibbutz – Blogerim בלוגרים – Blogerim בלוגרים

One of the works in our art vending machine is a booklet which provides an insight into the inner-workings of many of the Israeli Kibbuzim. With sober drawings and a text that is based on archival documents, artist Atalya Laufer (b. 1979) exposes a particular aspect of growing up on a Kibbutz. As one of …
Atalya explains: “To me, there is a clear link between Brueghel and the Kibbutz.

Jewish Museum BerlinAdrift in an Immaculate White Void – Blogerim בלוגרים – Blogerim בלוגרים

An Encounter with Daniela Orvin, Photographer “Dyslexic dysgraphia”—the title of the photo series by Israeli artist Daniela Orvin on sale since April 2016 in the Jewish Museum Berlin’s art vending machine is pretty difficult to grasp; but it simply means “difficulty with reading and writing.” “Every one of my artworks is a self-portrait,” the photographer …
Daniela Orvin mounted her work on acrylic, a painstaking task that forged a personal link