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Meta VR application Privacy Policy – Digital Imaging Division

Privacy Policy ============== Last updated: Aug 26th, 2022 This Privacy Policy describes Our policies and procedures on the collection, use and disclosure of Your information when You use the Service and tells You about Your privacy rights and how the law protects You. We may use Your Pe
If You click on a third party link, You will be directed to that third party’s site

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Florida Plant Identification Help – University of Florida Herbarium (FLAS)

Need help identifying a plant? The Plant Identification and Information Service in the UF Herbarium (botany collection) may be able to help you! BUT … it’s not always easy or guaranteed. So here’s how you can get a plant identified and some tips to make the most of this service. First we recom
There’s an extension office in every county in Florida (see the link below to find

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Island isolation, warming climate shape Mediterranean Basin evolution – Research News

From the jungles of Southeast Asia to the Greek Islands, Florida Museum of Natural History botanist Nico Cellinese has searched for the answers to how evolution works. But during fieldwork in the Mediterranean Basin—a biodiversity hotspot—she found more questions than answers. “There are so many
niche modeling techniques were used to establish timing of speciation events and link

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Study counters ideas about Mayan elite craftworks – Research News

It’s easy to get carried away romanticizing the cushy lives of the fabulously wealthy, even those who lived in exotic ancient cultures. We may pin all sorts of stereotypes to them: that they employed servants to perform their mundane chores, bought or bartered for everything they needed and never li
This is the first time we’ve been able to link a specific status group with the actual

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Wild Silks Collection – McGuire Center

Hidden behind the collection glass, stashed within the compactors, a collection of wild silks lies dormant, ready to be explored by curious minds. Akin to its surrounding neighbors of exotic Lepidoptera specimens, the larva spun, human crafted silk fabrics hail from all around the world. Donated ov
Can be accessed on the following link:

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Fossil Shark Teeth ID Guide – Discover Fishes

Key to the Common Genera of Neogene Fossil Shark Teeth How to Use this Key: Start with the first question. Decide whether the statement in the first box (1a) or the the second box (1b) best describes the characteristics of the fossil tooth you are trying to identify. (See this page for pictu
Click on the link in the row that best matches your tooth.

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Collection Policies – Paleobotany + Palynology

Museums generally derive their prominence from their collections, and these holdings constitute the primary difference between museums and other kinds of cultural institutions. A museum’s obligation to its collections is paramount. Each object is an integral part of a scientific composite. In or
Please remember that for a non-catalogued specimen, the field label is the only link

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Study provides road map for measuring animal, plant traits to meet global biodiversity goals – Research News

An international team of researchers has outlined a plan for how to measure changes in key traits of animals and plants and provide these data to policymakers to improve natural resource management and keep nations on track to meet global biodiversity and sustainability goals.  Monitoring species
produce a step-by-step workflow for how they can be measured in ways that directly link

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DNA duplication linked to the origin and evolution of pine trees and their relatives – Research News

Plants are DNA hoarders. Adhering to the maxim of never throwing anything out that might be useful later, they often duplicate their entire genome and hang on to the added genetic baggage. All those extra genes are then free to mutate and produce new physical traits, hastening the tempo of evolution
In each case, analyses revealed a strong link between duplicated DNA and the evolution

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