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People: Participants in a Once-in-a-Century Opportunity – Panama Canal Project (PCP PIRE)

By Dawn Mitchell | PCP PIRE and GABI RET Project Assistant Over the course of the six-year PCP PIRE program, hundreds of people from a variety of backgrounds were united by a common desire: to learn more about the ancient biodiversity and geologic history of Panama and the Neotropics. Below is a li
Click here to visit the “Museum Intern” page for a list of museum interns with links

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Lepidoptera of the DeLuca Preserve – McGuire Center

Located in Osceola County, Florida, near Yeehaw Junction, the DeLuca Preserve was donated to the University of Florida Foundation by Elisabeth DeLuca in November 2020. This 27,000-acre property, originally slated for housing and economic development, encompasses a mixed landscape of cattle ranchland
Links to additional images are provided in the species list and all records from

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‘Tree of Life’ events celebrate Earth’s biodiversity with digital art – Florida Museum Blog

University of Florida scientists teamed up with acclaimed artists to create two multimedia art pieces about the connections between all life forms. The new pieces – a two-story-tall interactive light projection and an animated film – premiered November 2017 in a series of special events at the Fl
microbes represented by the Tree of Life, the immense network of relationships that links

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Ordering Supplies & Equipment – University of Florida Herbarium (FLAS)

The supplies and vendors listed on this page are ones specifically used by and/or consulted with by the University of Florida Herbarium. It is a good idea to check with other herbaria and do your own research for products and companies when shopping. Prices and product constructions change frequentl
Corrugates Basically, wooden frames with cardboard corrugates and blotters – see links

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Snails of Mexico and Central America – Invertebrate Zoology

Abstract The following list of non-marine gastropod fauna summarizes the known species and subspecies that are recognized from Mexico and Central America. It is an annotated list of 1789 terminal taxa presented in a hierarchical framework. These include 1491 native species plus 278 native subspecie
5 Bibliography Adventures in Spineless Science Blog Discover Invertebrates Links

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The 40th MPC – Paleobotany + Palynology

The 40th Mid-Continent Paleobotanical Colloquium (MPC) April 21-23, 2023 Group photo MPC 2023 Abstracts MPC Program with map MPC 2023 2nd Circular with map in pdf The venue for 2023 will be the Florida Museum of Natural History at the University of Florida.  MPC (Mi
Publications Gallery Resources & References Collecting Fossil Plants in Florida Links

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Michelle LeFebvre assumes new role as director of Randell Research Center – Research News

The Florida Museum’s Randell Research Center has a new director! Michelle LeFebvre, curator of South Florida archaeology and ethnography, as well as Caribbean archaeology, at the Florida Museum of Natural History, began her three-year tenure as director in July. The Randell Research Center was estab
Some of her recent research also delves into the links between cultural heritage

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Wonder & Grow with Books Pt 2 – For Educators

Like many other white Americans, after the murder of George Floyd, I felt the immediate need to do something, anything to better understand and ultimately dismantle systemic racism. Many amazing books, documentaries, and podcasts have already been recommended across social media and if you Google “b
t familiar with either of these topics, please pause here and read more via the links

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Responsible snake ownership – Florida Snake ID Guide

Anyone intrigued by snakes may decide to keep one as a pet or as an object of fascination. Responsible snake ownership requires considerations which may not be immediately obvious to all. The following provides summary information and basic requirements for responsible snake ownership. For a fuller
For a fuller picture or expanded detail, please see the links to additional recommended

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Research – Ceramic Technology Lab

Researchers in the CTL undertake analyses of physical, mineralogical, and elemental properties of pottery to provide precise data relating to chronology, provenance or manufacturing origins, processes of production, culture change, and the development of sociopolitical and economic complexity. Rese
Oklahoma) Caribbean Pottery Publications Florida Pottery References Useful Links

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