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Florida Vertebrate Fossils

Over 1,000 different species of vertebrate animals are known to have lived in Florida over the past 35 million years. Florida has the richest fossil record of vertebrate animals of the eastern United States. This website is designed to provide basic information about each of these species, images o
When possible, the references will include links to online versions of the papers

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Triactis producta – Invertebrate Zoology

The sea anemone Triactis producta (Klunzinger, 1877) Triactis producta is the only species in the sea anemone (Actiniaria) genus Triactis (family Aliciidae). This species is found in shallow reefs of the tropical Indo-Pacific, from the Red Sea and East Africa to Hawai’i and French Polynesia. I
5 Bibliography Adventures in Spineless Science Blog Discover Invertebrates Links

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Collection Standards – Ichthyology

Specimens in the Florida Museum of Natural History’s Division of Ichthyology are collected, fixed, preserved, accessioned, and maintained according to prevailing international collection standards. Collection Fishes for deposit in the division are collected in accordance with all applicable la
Exhibits + Public Programs Collaboration Digitized specimens Books References + Links

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Florida Fossil Permit – Vertebrate Paleontology Collection

Florida Statute 1004.57 Florida Statute 1004.57 sets forth the State of Florida’s declared intent to protect and preserve vertebrate fossils and vertebrate paleontology sites. All vertebrate fossils found on lands owned or leased by the state belong to the state with title to the fossils vested in
Helpful Links What Objects are Covered?

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Clay Chronicles – Ceramic Technology Lab

One of the hardest parts of working from home these days is being separated from hands-on projects in the lab and collections. Museum people want to have their stuff nearby. As the manager of the Ceramic Tech Lab, I normally have many different projects going on: identifying and sorting pottery fro
Oklahoma) Caribbean Pottery Publications Florida Pottery References Useful Links

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Graduate Student Program – Systematics of Neotropical Butterflies

McGuire Center for Lepidoptera and Biodiversity The McGuire Center for Lepidoptera and Biodiversity (MGCL) houses the Lepidoptera researchers and collections of the Florida Museum of Natural History (FLMNH), a college-level unit of the University of Florida. The collections are some of the most com
Butterflies of Southeastern Sulawesi Ithomiini Immature Stages Checklist of Ithomiini Links

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Faculty and Staff – Environmental Archaeology

Current Faculty and Staff Dr. Kitty F. Emery Curator E-mail: Dr. Kitty F. Emery is the curator responsible for the Environmental Archaeology Program. Emery is an environmental archaeologist who specializes in ancient Mesoamerican peoples and environments. Her researc
Her research links archaeobotanical, zooarchaeological, and geoarchaeological data

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‘Black in Natural History Museums Week’ coming to social media Oct. 17-23 – Florida Museum Blog

The inaugural Black in Natural History Museums Week, Oct. 17-23, is an online social media festival that acknowledges, unites and celebrates Black people who work in natural history museums. Inspired by the “Black in X” social media campaigns, the week begins with a virtual roll call: a chance fo
Follow the events via #BlackinNHMs or visit the campaign website at

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Students and Volunteers – Paleobotany + Palynology

Students Ashley Hamersma Ph.D. Student Department of Biology Florida Museum of Natural History Advisor: Dr. Steven R. Manchester Email: ahamersma“@“ I received my BS in Earth & Environmental Sciences and a minor in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from the University of M
Publications Gallery Resources & References Collecting Fossil Plants in Florida Links

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Lepidoptera of the DeLuca Preserve – McGuire Center

Located in Osceola County, Florida, near Yeehaw Junction, the DeLuca Preserve was donated to the University of Florida Foundation by Elisabeth DeLuca in November 2020. This 27,000-acre property, originally slated for housing and economic development, encompasses a mixed landscape of cattle ranchland
Links to additional images are provided in the species list and all records from

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