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Parakysis grandis – Ichthyology

Parakysis grandis Ng & Lim 1995 Identification: P. grandis has a broad head with small, subcutaneous eyes. The upper lip has a median lobe projecting into a median concavity on the lower lip. There are 1-2 branches on the outer mandibular barbel. The inner mandibular barbel has 2-3 short, thi
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Acrochordonichthys guttatus – Ichthyology

Acrochordonichthys guttatus Ng & Ng 2001 Identification: Acrochordonichthys guttatus has a moderately compressed body, a comparatively narrow depressed head (19-21% SL), a slender caudal peduncle (4-5% SL), and a narrow humeral process (maximum width = 10-12% length). The head is covered with
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Parakysis verrucosus – Ichthyology

Parakysis verrucosus Herre 1940 Identification: P. verrucosus has a narrow head with small, subcutaneous eyes. The upper lip has a median lobe projecting into a median concavity on the lower lip. There are 1-2 branches on the outer mandibular barbel. The inner mandibular barbel has 2-3 long, thin
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Videos – Ichthyology

The Florida Museum ichthyology collection is among the top ten most important resources for fish specimens in the world. In addition to housing more than two million specimens, our collection is a key resource for understanding how to conserve aquatic biodiversity. Learn more about our work.
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Denticetopsis macilenta – Ichthyology

Denticetopsis macilenta (Eigenmann, 1912) Identification: Denticetopsis macilenta is distinguished from D. royeroi and D. sauli by the combination of the lack of elongate, symphyseal teeth on the dentary, the lateral line extending posteriorly on the body beyond the abdomen at least onto the caud
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Denticetopsis praecox – Ichthyology

Denticetopsis praecox (Ferraris & Brown, 1991) Identification: Denticetopsis praecox is distinguished from D. royeroi and D. sauli by the combination of the lack of elongate symphyseal teeth on the dentary, the lateral line extending posteriorly on the body beyond the abdomen onto at least th
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Genus Denticetopsis – Ichthyology

Denticetopsis Ferraris, 1996 Denticetopsis can be differentiated from all other members of the Cetopsinae by the following features. The caudal-fin margin is either shallowly-forked or obliquely-truncate with the outmost rays no more than one and one-half times the length of the inner most rays (
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Acrochordonichthys falcifer – Ichthyology

Acrochordonichthys falcifer Ng & Ng 2001 Identification: Acrochordonichthys falcifer has a moderately compressed body, a wide head (24-29% SL), a comparatively deep caudal peduncle (5-7% SL), and a rounded posterior margin on adipose fin. The head is covered with small, indistinct tubercles.
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Parakysis anomalopteryx – Ichthyology

Parakysis anomalopteryx Roberts 1989 Identification: P. anomalopteryx has a broad head with small, subcutaneous eyes. The upper lip lacks a median lobe projecting ventrally between the two lateral lobes of the lower lip; i.e., the lower lip is entire, lacking a median concavity. The outer mandibu
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Fossil Shark Basics – Discover Fishes

Sharks are sometimes referred to as „living fossils“. Ancient sharks lived in the oceans long before animals colonized the land. Their history goes back to at least 400 million years ago, making the 2 million year history of humans seem quite insignificant by comparison. Most fossil evidence of ear
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