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Rob Robins | Selected Publications – Ichthyology

Nico, L. G., M. E. Neilson, R. H. Robins, J. M. Pfeiffer, M. Kail, Z. S. Randall, and E. Johnson. 2022. Occurrence of a reproducing wild population of Channa aurolineata (Pisces: Channidae) in the Manatee River drainage, Florida. Aquatic Invasions 17 (4): 577-601. Brown, M. E., R. H. Robins, and
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Paracetopsis atahualpa – Ichthyology

Paracetopsis atahualpa Vari, Ferraris & de Pinna, 2005 Identification: Paracetopsis atahualpa is distinguished from all other species in the Cetopsinae with the exception of P. bleekeri and P. esmeraldas by the combination of the possession of a vomerine tooth patch with more than one row of
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Least Madtom – Ichthyology

LEAST MADTOM Noturus hildebrandi (Bailey & Taylor 1950) Identification: The Least Madtom has a slender body and a flat head. The adipose fin is white or clear (individuals from southern Mississippi may have a dark blotch extending onto the fin base). The back is red-brown to black and has 4
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Genus Cetopsidium – Ichthyology

Cetopsidium Vari, Ferraris & de Pinna, 2005 The combination of the presence of a dorsal fin with an ossified spinelet and the presence of pectoral- and dorsal-fin spines distinguishes the species of Cetopsidium from all other genera in the Cetopsinae. The possession of a lateral line extendin
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Neosho Madtom – Ichthyology

NEOSHO MADTOM Noturus placidus Taylor 1969 Identification: The Neosho Madtom has a stout body, deepest beneath the dorsal fin, and a relatively deep caudal peduncle. Rays along the lower part of the caudal fin are white. The body is light yellow-pink with brown mottling above and with faint to p
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Ozark Madtom – Ichthyology

OZARK MADTOM Noturus albater Taylor 1969 Identification: The Ozark Madtom has a stout body and a relatively short head. A large dark blotch beneath adipose fin usually extends into the lower half of the fin, rarely to the edge. A dark bar (sometimes diffuse) is on the base of the caudal fin. The
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Parakysis longirostris – Ichthyology

Parakysis longirostris Ng & Lim 1995 Identification: P. longirostris has a conical head with small, subcutaneous eyes. The upper lip has a median lobe projecting into a median concavity on the lower lip. There are 1-2 branches on the outer mandibular barbel. The inner mandibular barbel has 2-
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