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Blue Catfish – Ichthyology

BLUE CATFISH  Ictalurus furcatus (Valenciennes 1840) Identification: The Blue Catfish has a long, straight-edged anal fin that is tapered like a barber’s comb and has 30-35 rays. Blue Cats are pale blue to olive on the back and sides, white below and lack dark spots on the body (except in the Ri
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Black Madtom – Ichthyology

BLACK MADTOM Noturus funebris Gilbert & Swain 1891 Identification: The Black Madtom has a stout body that is black or blue-black above, lighter below, with a pattern of tiny black dots over the body. Dots are most conspicuous on the light underside of the head and belly. The anal fin is long
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Breitensteinia hypselurus – Ichthyology

Breitensteinia hypselurus Ng & Seibert 1998 Identification: Breitensteinia hypselurus is long and slender with a long low adipose ridge but no adipose fin, tall neural spines in the caudal vertebrae, a slender caudal peduncle (26% SL), a relatively large eye (5% head length), the gill opening
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Alumni – Invertebrate Zoology

Former Students Tania Pineda Enriquez Ph.D. 2022, Zoology “Diversity and evolution of brittle stars across the worlds ocean: Revisionary systematics of ophiolepidoids” Jenna Moore Ph.D. 2019, Zoology “Phylogeny, systematics, and evolution of functional morphology in Chaetopteridae (Annelida)
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Courses at UF – Systematics of Neotropical Butterflies

Current Courses Insects and Plants, Fall 2023 Instructors: Andrei Sourakov and Keith Willmott Course description Insects and plants are intimately connected and have been so for 300 million years. During this time, the evolutionary arms-race between the two groups has produced examples of co
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Rewind: Hawaii Bioblitz 2017 – Invertebrate Zoology

Way back in the spring of 2017 we teamed up with the University of Hawaii’s Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology and the Smithonian’s MarineGEO program to conduct a biodiversity survey of Kaneohe Bay off of Oahu. We stayed at the HIMB marine lab on Coconut Island with several expeditions each d
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Rob Robins | Selected Publications – Ichthyology

Nico, L. G., M. E. Neilson, R. H. Robins, J. M. Pfeiffer, M. Kail, Z. S. Randall, and E. Johnson. 2022. Occurrence of a reproducing wild population of Channa aurolineata (Pisces: Channidae) in the Manatee River drainage, Florida. Aquatic Invasions 17 (4): 577-601. Brown, M. E., R. H. Robins, and
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Paracetopsis atahualpa – Ichthyology

Paracetopsis atahualpa Vari, Ferraris & de Pinna, 2005 Identification: Paracetopsis atahualpa is distinguished from all other species in the Cetopsinae with the exception of P. bleekeri and P. esmeraldas by the combination of the possession of a vomerine tooth patch with more than one row of
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Least Madtom – Ichthyology

LEAST MADTOM Noturus hildebrandi (Bailey & Taylor 1950) Identification: The Least Madtom has a slender body and a flat head. The adipose fin is white or clear (individuals from southern Mississippi may have a dark blotch extending onto the fin base). The back is red-brown to black and has 4
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Genus Cetopsidium – Ichthyology

Cetopsidium Vari, Ferraris & de Pinna, 2005 The combination of the presence of a dorsal fin with an ossified spinelet and the presence of pectoral- and dorsal-fin spines distinguishes the species of Cetopsidium from all other genera in the Cetopsinae. The possession of a lateral line extendin
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