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Blue Catfish – Ichthyology

BLUE CATFISH  Ictalurus furcatus (Valenciennes 1840) Identification: The Blue Catfish has a long, straight-edged anal fin that is tapered like a barber’s comb and has 30-35 rays. Blue Cats are pale blue to olive on the back and sides, white below and lack dark spots on the body (except in the Ri
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Black Madtom – Ichthyology

BLACK MADTOM Noturus funebris Gilbert & Swain 1891 Identification: The Black Madtom has a stout body that is black or blue-black above, lighter below, with a pattern of tiny black dots over the body. Dots are most conspicuous on the light underside of the head and belly. The anal fin is long
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Breitensteinia hypselurus – Ichthyology

Breitensteinia hypselurus Ng & Seibert 1998 Identification: Breitensteinia hypselurus is long and slender with a long low adipose ridge but no adipose fin, tall neural spines in the caudal vertebrae, a slender caudal peduncle (26% SL), a relatively large eye (5% head length), the gill opening
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Teacher Professional Development – Thompson Earth Systems Institute

The Thompson Earth Systems Institute hosts a series of teacher professional development workshops. During these workshops, teachers work alongside scientists to learn the latest research trends and develop hands-on lesson plans. Professional Development Opportunities SPRING 2025 APPLICATIONS NOW O
History Fish Collection, June 8-13 – elementary school teachers Past Visit these links

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Yellow Bullhead – Ichthyology

YELLOW BULLHEAD Ameiurus natalis (Lesueur 1819) Identification: The Yellow Bullhead has white or yellow chin barbels throughout most of its range (dusky brown in peninsular Florida). The anal fin is long and fairly straight in outline, with 24-27 rays. The rays at the front of the anal fin are s
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Ichthyology – Florida Museum of Natural History

The Florida Museum Fish Collection is second only to the National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian) in number of specimen records, as reported in the most recent survey of U.S. fish collections. The Florida Museum Fish Collection has added more records to its catalog during the interval betwee
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Alumni – Invertebrate Zoology

Former Students Tania Pineda Enriquez Ph.D. 2022, Zoology “Diversity and evolution of brittle stars across the worlds ocean: Revisionary systematics of ophiolepidoids” Jenna Moore Ph.D. 2019, Zoology “Phylogeny, systematics, and evolution of functional morphology in Chaetopteridae (Annelida)
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Courses at UF – Systematics of Neotropical Butterflies

Current Courses Insects and Plants, Fall 2023 Instructors: Andrei Sourakov and Keith Willmott Course description Insects and plants are intimately connected and have been so for 300 million years. During this time, the evolutionary arms-race between the two groups has produced examples of co
Butterflies of Southeastern Sulawesi Ithomiini Immature Stages Checklist of Ithomiini Links

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Rewind: Hawaii Bioblitz 2017 – Invertebrate Zoology

Way back in the spring of 2017 we teamed up with the University of Hawaii’s Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology and the Smithonian’s MarineGEO program to conduct a biodiversity survey of Kaneohe Bay off of Oahu. We stayed at the HIMB marine lab on Coconut Island with several expeditions each d
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