Keith Willmott – Research News
from the Florida Museum of Natural History
discusses his research… Read More Life on Earth A case of mistaken identity: DNA links
from the Florida Museum of Natural History
discusses his research… Read More Life on Earth A case of mistaken identity: DNA links
So, I realize that things have been a bit quiet around the blog of late But we’ve been busy as usual. For instance, my office has gone from this: To this: While Gustav’s office has gone from this: To this: Some things we’ve been up to include (but are not limited to
5 Bibliography Adventures in Spineless Science Blog Discover Invertebrates Links
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Florida Museum of Natural History
5 Bibliography Adventures in Spineless Science Blog Discover Invertebrates Links
from the Florida Museum of Natural History
Narducci,… Read More Evolution Turtle shells help decode complex links between
Elegance of Science 2019-2020 Contest Rules The Elegance of Science contest is open to current UF faculty, students and staff. Submissions are limited to images created in the course of research or that incorporate scientific tools or concepts. One can also submit videos (up to 3 minutes) v
Submit either high-resolution .jpg images (up to 15MB, jpgs preferred) or links to
Curatorial Staff Dr. Gustav Paulay Curator of Marine Malacology 352-273-1948 More… John Slapcinsky Collections Manager 352-273-1829 More… Amanda Bemis Collections Manager 352-273-1828 Mandy has been wo
5 Bibliography Adventures in Spineless Science Blog Discover Invertebrates Links
SLENDER MADTOM Noturus exilis Nelson 1876 Identification: The Slender Madtom has black borders on light yellow fins. Fin borders are blackest in clear streams and may be only dusky in color in turbid water. The body is yellow-brown to gray-black above and light yellow below. There is a large lig
Exhibits + Public Programs Collaboration Digitized specimens Books References + Links
Cetopsis othonops (Eigenmann, 1912) Identification: Cetopsis othonops can be distinguished from all of its congeners by the combination of the presence of an eye, the conical teeth on the vomer and the dentary, the rounded posterior nares which is distinctly separated from the contralateral nares
Exhibits + Public Programs Collaboration Digitized specimens Books References + Links
CHUCKY MADTOM Noturus crypticus Burr, Eisenhour & Grady 2005 Identification: The Chucky Madtom has a moderately slender body that is yellow-gray to dark brown above and has 3-4 light yellow saddles. The long, low adipose fin begins at the dorsal fin and reaches the caudal fin. A brown blotch
Exhibits + Public Programs Collaboration Digitized specimens Books References + Links