Predigt Nothwang // Universität Oldenburg
Ich weiß nicht, wie viele von ihnen den Film „Jenseits der Stille“ von Caroline Link
Ich weiß nicht, wie viele von ihnen den Film „Jenseits der Stille“ von Caroline Link
April 2021, 10:15 – 11:45am If interested to participate, for receiving the Zoom link
Infos zur Universität Kassel: Link zur Homepage des Fachgebietes
.): Jahrbuch Schulleitung 2017, Köln: Carl-Link-Verlag (erscheint in Kürze) Workshop
This suggests that TEMPEST stimuli can provide insight in the link between cortical
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Benedikt Hensel is Full-Professor of Hebrew Bible at the Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg (Germany). 2019-2021 positions as Interim Professor of Hebrew Bible and Biblical Archaeology at the universities of Mainz (Germany) and Zurich (Switzerland). He holds a PhD (2011) and Habilitation (2016) in Hebrew Bible Studies and Archaeology from the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz. He is specialized in the religious history, archaeology and literary history of Israel, Judah, and Transjordan. His main fields of work are related to the Persian and early Hellenistic periods as well as to the Neo-Assyrian period. He conducted research on the Ancient Samaritans (as Principal Investigator 2013-2016; Mainz) and on the Pentateuchal traditions and their historical backgrounds (2017-2020, Zurich). Visiting scholar at the Universities of Haifa (2015), Tel Aviv (2018) and Montpelier (2018).
Link-Wieczorek, Ulrike Prof. Dr.
More information and the link for the talk can be accessed here.
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