Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Klima

Human Rights: FNF’s Collaboration in LGU Caraga: Advancing Human Rights and Access to Justice

FNF Philippines continues its partnership with the Commission on Human Rights (CHR) in Caraga to advance human rights promotion and safeguarding. Their primary initiative, launched last year, focuses on integrating human rights, the rule of law, and access to justice by establishing and enhancing Human Rights Action Centers (HRACs) across the Caraga region. These HRACs within LGUs aim to empower marginalized groups by addressing their human rights and gender concerns and ensuring equitable access to justice. Strengthening LGUs enables the project to further its goals of promoting and protecting human rights, gender equality, and democracy.
KLIMA PROJECT 15.10.2024 Pie Escobar Democratizing of mobility in the Philippines

Leadership in FNF: FNF Philippines Welcomes Dr. Almut Besold, Forging Stronger Ties with the Liberal Community

Dr. Almut Besold’s arrival heralds a new era for the FNF Philippine office; one that Dr. Adam acknowledges will be a significant step towards building a more robust and resilient democracy in the Philippines. A recent gathering held at the FNF Makati office provided our partners the space to give Dr. Almut a background on their respective organizations, the activities they are currently implementing, and the projects they are planning for the future.
KLIMA PROJECT 15.10.2024 Pie Escobar Democratizing of mobility in the Philippines

Young Leaders: iMPACT Leadership Launches TAKBO Kabataan Video Series

The TAKBO Kabataan Video Series seeks to illuminate a path for aspiring young leaders to navigate the political arena in the Philippines. The series will span campaign strategies, fundraising techniques, voter engagement, and the art of effective communication – all the necessary components for success in the political arena.
KLIMA PROJECT 15.10.2024 Pie Escobar Democratizing of mobility in the Philippines

Bangladesch: Deutschland in Bangladesch: 50 Jahre diplomatische Beziehungen

Bangladesch und Deutschland blicken zurück auf 50 Jahre diplomatische Beziehungen. 1972 war Deutschland eines der ersten Länder in Europa, das die Volksrepublik Bangladesch anerkannte. Bangladesch hat in den letzten 50 Jahren beeindruckende Fortschritte gemacht, und Deutschland ist erfreut, einen Beitrag zu dieser Entwicklung geleistet haben zu können. Ein wesentliches Standbein der bilateralen Beziehungen bildet weiterhin die Entwicklungszusammenarbeit in den Bereichen Klimawandel, Gute Regierungsführung, erneuerbare Energien sowie seit kurzem die Zusammenarbeit zur Bewältigung der Rohingya-Flüchtlingskrise.
kürzlich stattgefundenen Regierungskonsultationen angeboten, eine privilegierte Klima

Nobel Peace Prize: Nobel Prize to Maria Ressa and Dmitry Muratov: Important message for press freedom

The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom congratulates Maria Ressa on her Nobel Peace Prize. The head of the Philippine online medium „Rappler“ has been cooperating with the Foundation for a long time to improve media literacy and media freedom in the Philippines. For her tireless commitment, she has now been honoured with what is probably the highest political award.
KLIMA PROJECT 15.10.2024 Pie Escobar Democratizing of mobility in the Philippines

Global Partnership Hub | Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung

Der Global Partnership Hub in Nairobi widmet sich seit dem Jahr 2021 der Entwicklung von Konzepten für die globale Entwicklungszusammenarbeit zwischen Partnern auf Augenhöhe. Die Arbeit des Hub nimmt globale Trends, eine neue Arbeitsteilung zwischen dem Globalen Norden und Süden sowie die Rolle des zunehmenden Systemwettbewerbs in den Blick.
Afrika 01.09.2023 Stefan Schott Der Kampf ums Klima beginnt am Kochtopf Vom

Publication: Safeguarding The Rights of Local Artisans

In the coastal municipality of Sofronio Española in Palawan, families from the Barangays of Isumbo, Abo-abo, Panitian and Pulot stand as cultural custodians, passing down traditional skills and contributing to the economy through the creation and sale of handmade products. FNF Philippines presents this study, along with a short documentary, that seeks to safeguard and promote the rights of these local artisans.
KLIMA PROJECT 15.10.2024 Pie Escobar Democratizing of mobility in the Philippines