Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Jaguar

Meintest du januar?

Ears for Icarus

On 13 February, a Russian rocket carried the antenna of the Icarus mission to the International Space Station (ISS). The Icarus on-board computer was thus joined by another key component of the orbiting animal tracking system. Using the system developed by scientists from the Max Planck Society in cooperation with the Russian space agency Roskosmos, the German Aerospace Center and the University of Konstanz, researchers around the world will be able to study the movements of animals and determine the conditions in which they live.
plan to track the migrations of a wide range of animals, including sea turtles, jaguars

Max Planck project with ERC grants

ERC funding covers research projects at different stages of a researcher’s career and enables, for example, projects involving several experts who join forces to research completely new areas. Below, researchers provide a glimpse into some of their projects – whether it is internet security, research into the desert climate, the social behaviour of chimpanzees, or new approaches to protein design.
Their finds include fossils of elephants, jaguars and other savannah animals and