Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Jaguar

Meintest du januar?

Rhizosmilodon fiteae – Florida Vertebrate Fossils

Rhizosmilodon fiteae Quick Facts Common Name: Fite’s saber-tooth cat Rhizosmilodon fiteae is a small-sized, saber-toothed cat known only from Florida; but most species of felids have large geographic ranges, so it would not be surprising to find its fossils in other areas of North America.
Rhizosmilodon fitae weighed about 165 lbs., the same as a medium-sized, modern jaguar

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2022 Staff and Student Publications – McGuire Center

Allen-Perkins, … J.C. Daniels, et al. 2022. CropPol: A dynamic, open and global database on crop pollination. Ecology 103(3):e3614. DOI:10.1002/ecy.3614. Barber, J.R., D. Plotkin, J.J. Rubin, N. Homziak, B.C. Leavell, P. Houlihan, K. Miner, J.W. Breinholt, B. Quirk-Royal, S. Padron, M. Nunez, and
Life history of the Jaguar moth Cicadomorphus falkasiska Martinez (Noctuidae: Pantheinae

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Bulletin Publication List – Bulletin Journal

Starting with Volume 53, issues of the Bulletin are no longer issued in printed form, and are only published in digital form using PDF format. You can download them from the list below. All of the older issues of the Bulletin have been scanned and PDF copies can be freely downloaded using the link
Body and skull measurements in four jaguar populations and observations on their

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National Geographic Live: Untamed – Florida Museum

Filmmaker Filipe DeAndrade credits animals with saving his life. In return, he has made it his mission to preserve the wild spaces where they live. This UF graduate and incredibly entertaining star of Nat Geo WILD’s Untamed gives his unfiltered look at what it’s like to come face to face with wild
Along the way, he’ll bring you face to face with lions, sharks, snakes, jaguars,

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Beyond the temples – Research News

Most of what we know about Mayan civilization relates to kings, queens and their elaborate temples. To understand what life was like for the 99 percent, one researcher turned to ancient animal bones stored at the Florida Museum of Natural History. Ashley Sharpe, a doctoral student at the museum o
high-ranking elites ate a select group of symbolic and prestigious animals like jaguars

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Florida fossil porcupine solves a prickly dilemma 10-million years in the making – Research News

There’s a longstanding debate simmering among biologists who study porcupines. There are 16 porcupine species in Central and South America, but only one in the United States and Canada. DNA evidence suggests North America’s sole porcupine belongs to a group that originated 10 million years ago, but
Prehistoric elephants, saber-toothed cats, jaguars, llamas, peccaries, deer, skunks

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Presentations – Mammals Collection

Undergraduate students are underlined 2023 VL Mathis and R Mathieu. Investigating the species status of Sherman’s short-tailed shrew (Blarina shermani): preliminary insights. Joint meeting of the 13th International Mammalogical Congress and the 102nd annual meeting of the American Society of Mamma
First assessment of jaguar’s (Panthera onca) prey-availability in the Alto Chagres

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Bone collectors and sacred trash – Research News

To the Maya, throwing away the bones of hunted animals is as wasteful as throwing away the entire animal itself. In fact, it’s pretty much one and the same. When you finish your chicken dinner, your next step is most likely to toss the leftover bones in the garbage. And if you hunt, you probably
Representative large mammals included deer and peccary, with a few jaguars, tapirs

  • International
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