English Speaking Early Childhood Educator (m/f/d) for Fröbel centre Betriebskindergarten SKW in Lutherstadt Wittenberg – Fröbel – Für Kinder https://www.froebel-gruppe.de/native-speakers?tx_froebeljobfair_pi1%5Baction%5D=show&tx_froebeljobfair_pi1%5Bcontroller%5D=Job&tx_froebeljobfair_pi1%5Bjob%5D=2557&cHash=b3ceae9cf4acefd279d079d3295707fb
We are currently looking for a qualified English-speaking early childhood educator (m/f/d) to help implement the Fröbel Focus “Bilingual Education” at our Fröbel-Betriebskindergarten SKW in Lutherstadt Wittenberg. Please note that this position comes with is a fixed-term contract.
führe ich Kinder frei und spielerisch an meine Muttersprache und die Kultur meiner Heimat