NASA Glenn: 1941–1945 – NASA
Construction and the War Years: Construction of the Aircraft Engine Research Laboratory (AERL) began in January 1941, and the first facilities came online in May 1942. Unlike Langley or Ames, the AERL was dedicated to the improvement of aircraft engines. There was no time to develop new engines or aircraft for World War II, so significant efforts were made to improve existing engines. Superchargers, compressors, turbines, fuels, lubrication, and entire engine systems could by studied in the AERL’s new facilities. NACA researchers improved superchargers; developed new fuel mixtures that withstood the extra heat caused by superchargers; and improved methods of engine cooling. In addition, the development of jet engines during the war introduced a whole new realm of issues that began to be addressed.
Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) officials and local dignitaries were on hand