Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Hand

MaxPlanckForschung 4/2021: Die Gefühle müssen raus

Unser Fühlen bestimmt unser Handeln maßgeblich mit. Aber was sind Gefühle eigentlich? Bis vor kurzem galten sie in der Wissenschaft als schwer greifbar – zu subjektiv und nicht exakt quantifizierbar. Dabei lassen sie sich anhand der körperlichen Reaktionen, die sie hervorrufen, durchaus messen. Und so gehen Forschenden den Gefühlen auf den Grund und entwickeln etwa für Menschen mit einer Spinnenphobie verbesserte Therapien. Sie bringen Robotern, die uns eines Tages bei der Betreuung Pflegebedürftiger unterstützen könnten, das richtige Fühlen bei. Oder sie untersuchen, welchen Einfluss Emotionen auf politische Ereignisse hatten.
Gefühle müssen raus Wohldosierte Emotionen Im Netz der Angst Roboter mit sanfter Hand

New MillenniumTNG simulation helps to test standard model of cosmology

New MillenniumTNG Project simulates the formation of galaxies and the cosmic large-scale structure of the universe at the same time. By comparing these novel simulation of the universe with observations, it will be possible to test fundamental principles of the current understanding of the universe.
The lion’s share, on the other hand, is made up of a mysterious matter that has been

Massive stellar embryos undergo episodic growth

The supply of massive stellar embryos with food from their surrounding disk of gas and dust has long been a mystery. An international research team, in which the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy is participating, has now discovered a spiral structure in such a disk, in the centre of which a growing star of about 12 solar masses has experienced a dramatic increase in brightness. This spiral confirms the hypothesis that such disks become temporarily unstable and therefore partially disintegrate into compact packets. These feed the young star in bites, resulting in episodes of sharply increasing luminosity. The results are published today in the journal Nature Astronomy.
On the one hand, this radiation was based on a special form of methanol, in which

Portrait of Eugene W. Myers

Eugene W. Myers never attended a biology course. But despite this fact, he has made a career for himself in this field, and in developing a computer program, made a major contribution to decoding the human genome. The bioinformatician has recently become Director at the the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, and the Klaus-Tschira Chair of the Systems Biology Center in Dresden. Here, he and his team will develop new light microscopes and computer programs to analyze the images produced by them.
On the other hand, he acquired insights into various cultures and ways of life, and