Forscher bremsen Parkinson bei Mäusen aus
Der Wirkstoff Anle138b verhindert Verklumpung von Synuclein-Protein
Fox zuckte plötzlich bei Dreharbeiten der kleine Finger der linken Hand.
Der Wirkstoff Anle138b verhindert Verklumpung von Synuclein-Protein
Fox zuckte plötzlich bei Dreharbeiten der kleine Finger der linken Hand.
While conducting research in the Saudi Arabian desert, scientists from the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History and the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology uncovered significant evidence of early human settlement in the region. Over 1,400 images carved in the rock show people hunting with dogs. The researchers believe they are at least 8,000 to 9,000 years old.
hunting scene: The leashes, joining two of the dogs to the hunter on the right-hand
While conducting research in the Saudi Arabian desert, scientists from the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History and the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology uncovered significant evidence of early human settlement in the region. Over 1,400 images carved in the rock show people hunting with dogs. The researchers believe they are at least 8,000 to 9,000 years old.
hunting scene: The leashes, joining two of the dogs to the hunter on the right-hand
Leading researchers in the field of migration call for better data on migration flows for research and policy-making.
On the one hand, it demonstrates that the knowledge base for the management and governance
The KHI (Kunsthistorisches Institut) in Florence is one of the oldest research institutions dedicated to the history of art and architecture in Italy, where facets of European, Mediterranean and global history are subjected to close scrutiny.
Alessandro Nova, Director at the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz, on the other hand
The KHI (Kunsthistorisches Institut) in Florence is one of the oldest research institutions dedicated to the history of art and architecture in Italy, where facets of European, Mediterranean and global history are subjected to close scrutiny.
Alessandro Nova, Director at the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz, on the other hand
The KHI (Kunsthistorisches Institut) in Florence is one of the oldest research institutions dedicated to the history of art and architecture in Italy, where facets of European, Mediterranean and global history are subjected to close scrutiny.
Alessandro Nova, Director at the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz, on the other hand
The MPI for the Study of the Scientific-Technical World is founded
a young physicist, Weizsäcker had himself experienced nuclear fission at close hand
Astronomers discover a celestial body in the habitable zone around our nearest fixed star.
On the other hand, the close proximity of Proxima Centauri b to its host star makes
She was the first female student to be admitted to a Dutch university, the first to complete a university education and the first female physician in the Netherlands: Aletta Henriette Jacobs (1854-1929) leaves a remarkable legacy as a feminist, suffragette, pacifist, and human rights activist, who campaigned for women’s birth control rights and sexual health.
So, on the one hand, we have gotten very far and are certainly not in the same situation