Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Hand

Europäisches Parlament beschließt höchste Priorität für Tuberkulose-Forschung

Steigende Zahlen von Tuberkulose-Erkrankungen, immer mehr multiresistente Erregerstämme sowie fehlende neue Impfstoffe und Medikamente – das Ziel mancher Wissenschaftler, die Tuberkulose bis 2050 auszurotten, erscheint angesichts der aktuellen Situation äußerst ehrgeizig.
Gemeinnützige Stiftungen sollen neben der öffentlichen Hand und der Industrie zusätzliche

Synthetic fuels for climate-neutral trucks

Synthetic fuels could make heavy goods traffic climate-friendly in the future. A team from the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion, RWTH Aachen University, and ETH Zurich is now presenting a synthesis route that can be used to produce a fuel, known as HyFiT fuel, made from biomass or CO2 that can be used to refuel conventional combustion engine
it is important that the fuel has the highest possible cetane number, on the one hand

Max-Planck-Princeton partnership in fusion research confirmed

The scientific performance of Max-Planck-Princeton Center for Plasma Physics, established in 2012 by the Max Planck Society and Princeton University, USA, has been evaluated and awarded top grade. The Max Planck Society has now decided to continue its support for another two to maximum five years with 250,000 euros annually. The center’s objective is to link up the hitherto less coordinated research on fusion, laboratory and space plasmas and utilise synergies.
hoped, the center has created new cooperations and built sturdy bridges, on the one hand

Max-Planck-Princeton partnership in fusion research confirmed

The scientific performance of Max-Planck-Princeton Center for Plasma Physics, established in 2012 by the Max Planck Society and Princeton University, USA, has been evaluated and awarded top grade. The Max Planck Society has now decided to continue its support for another two to maximum five years with 250,000 euros annually. The center’s objective is to link up the hitherto less coordinated research on fusion, laboratory and space plasmas and utilise synergies.
hoped, the center has created new cooperations and built sturdy bridges, on the one hand