Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Hand

Max-Planck-Princeton partnership in fusion research confirmed

The scientific performance of Max-Planck-Princeton Center for Plasma Physics, established in 2012 by the Max Planck Society and Princeton University, USA, has been evaluated and awarded top grade. The Max Planck Society has now decided to continue its support for another two to maximum five years with 250,000 euros annually. The center’s objective is to link up the hitherto less coordinated research on fusion, laboratory and space plasmas and utilise synergies.
hoped, the center has created new cooperations and built sturdy bridges, on the one hand

Salty soil sensitizes plants to an unconventional mode of bacterial toxicity

Climate change will place a great strain on plant growth and will almost certainly impact plant production. The inoculation with defined bacterial communities as probiotics is an attractive strategy for safeguarding plant health. However, to ensure that these inocula are effective it is necessary to understand how bacteria and plants interact under different conditions.
Strikingly, once they had the compound in hand, the scientists could show that brassicapeptin

Elternschaft – eine Persönlichkeitsfrage

Der Geburtenrückgang in vielen Industriestaaten seit Mitte der 1950er-Jahre ist unter anderem auf einen Wertewandel zurückzuführen. Menschen entscheiden individueller, ob sie Kinder haben wollen oder nicht. Welche Rolle dabei Persönlichkeitsmerkmale wie Empathie oder Extrovertiertheit spielen, hat Steffen Peters vom Max-Planck-Institut für demografische Forschung untersucht.
Juli 2023 im Newsletter Demografische Forschung aus Erster Hand veröffentlicht.

„There could be conflicts and wars.”

People all over the world are trying to protect themselves against the consequences of climate change – often with some counter-productive effects. Measures that should keep climate change in check can also end up as maladjustments, even if they are not explicitly named in the UNEP Frontiers Report 18/19. An interview with Ulrike Niemeier, a scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, on just how sensible such activities are.
On the one hand, you could remove CO2 from the atmosphere.