Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Hand

Das schafft unser Gehirn mit links

Das schafft unser Gehirn mit links: Unser Körper, unser Verhalten, aber auch unser Gehirn sind alles andere als symmetrisch. Und das scheint wichtig zu sein, damit das Denken, Sprechen und die Motorik reibungslos funktioniert. Forscher am Max-Planck-Institut für Psycholinguistik fahnden nach genetischen Spuren für dieses Phänomen.
näherem Hinsehen zeigt sich, dass etwa ein Fuß länger ist als der andere, eine Hand

Data storage takes an electric turn

Scientists from the Forschungszentrum Jülich and the Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics in Halle have discovered the basis for the next generation of memory devices. In a ferroelectric material, they have, for the first time, been able to observe directly how dipoles, which store the information in this material, continuously rotate and therefore may be organised in circular structures. The report was published in the journal Science. The findings were obtained using a type of high-resolution transmission electron microscopy with especially sharp contrast, developed by the Jülich scientists. Arranging the dipoles in a circular structure could allow for significantly denser data storage than previously possible, while still ensuring fast writing and reading processes.
Magnetic materials, on the other hand, which are used to produce hard disks and which

Exhibition: da Vinci’s books

Leonardo da Vinci was a tireless and inquisitive reader. He owned more than 200 books about science and technology as well as literary and religious topics. An exhibition that is being organized by the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science and the Berlin State Library at the Museo Galileo in Florence has shed new light on the intellectual universe of the artist, engineer and philosopher, who remains as fascinating as ever 500 years after his death.
Francesco di Giorgio – a manuscript that has been annotated by the artist’s own hand

Exhibition: da Vinci’s books

Leonardo da Vinci was a tireless and inquisitive reader. He owned more than 200 books about science and technology as well as literary and religious topics. An exhibition that is being organized by the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science and the Berlin State Library at the Museo Galileo in Florence has shed new light on the intellectual universe of the artist, engineer and philosopher, who remains as fascinating as ever 500 years after his death.
Francesco di Giorgio – a manuscript that has been annotated by the artist’s own hand