Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Hand

Two Max Planck Institutes involved in the development of the Euclid space telescope

Researchers and engineers from the Max Planck Institutes for Astronomy in Heidelberg and for Extraterrestrial Physics in Garching near Munich. They are part of the Euclid consortium, which consists of research institutions in 17 countries. And they helped to develop and build the two instruments of the telescope, the optical camera (VIS, Visible Instrument) and the near-infrared camera (NISP, Near-Infrared Spectrometer and Photometer). Another team from the two Max Planck Institutes, together with colleagues from other institutions, now ensures the operation of the telescope and the logistics and quality of the transmitted data.
The large field of view and the large optics go hand in hand.

MPI für Quantenoptik

Die Erforschung der Quantenwelt mit Laserlicht ist das zentrale Thema am Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik. Mit aufwendigen Aufbauten aus vielen optischen Komponenten wie Spiegeln und Linsen schaffen es die Physiker, Systeme aus Quantenteilchen bis hin zu einzelnen Atomen oder Molekülen einzufangen und zu manipulieren.
mehr Quantencomputer und klassischer Computer Hand in Hand 2021 Cirac, Juan Ignacio

Use of lethal force by German armed forces in international operations

What are the legal boundaries for combating terrorist threats and asymmetrical warfare in international operations for German armed forces? What are the consequences for systems of international security? A study at the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law analyzes the prerequisites for and limits on the extraterritorial use of lethal force on the basis of public international law and German constitutional law.
The study distinguishes between two material aspects: On the one hand, the legality