Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Hand

Harry Potter | The best autumnal passages in the Harry Potter books | Wizarding World

As we find ourselves in October, in the UK, things are getting colder, Hallowe’en is on the way, and crisp golden leaves & conkers line the streets. Let’s look through some autumnal passages of the…
A fire was crackling merrily in the grate and a few people were warming their hands

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Harry Potter | What reminds you of the Wizarding World in your day-to-day life? | Wizarding World

Whether you’ve grown up with the Harry Potter stories or entered the Wizarding World with Newt Scamander, don’t you just love the way certain everyday things act like Portkeys – taking you straight…
Whenever we run our hands along a bookshelf, we imagine the smell of parchment, Madam

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Harry Potter | The importance of Christmas in the Great Hall | Wizarding World

Is there anything more festive than the annual Hogwarts Christmas dinner? Surely not? We’ve illustrated Harry’s many Christmases in the Great Hall to get you in the mood for your own celebrations. …
addressed directly by Dumbledore, and took the platter of sausages with trembling hands

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Harry Potter | Everything we know about the upcoming Harry Potter TV series so far | Wizarding World

Earlier this year, we came bearing exciting news – a new TV series, dedicated to the original Harry Potter book series, was on the way. You naturally had questions… a lot of questions. So we’re her…
on to the project, so the quirky fashions of the wizarding world will be in safe hands

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