Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Hand

South Korea: Suizide in Südkorea

South Korea has by far the highest suicide rate among all OECD countries. With new measures, the government aims to save lives. However, a deeply rooted cause for the high number of suicides is challenging to eliminate: the immense societal pressure on individuals.
Women, on the other hand, are more willing to seek help and are more openly discuss

#FreedomFightsFake: Under the Mask of Disinformation

The issue of wearing protective masks has been on the agenda since the beginning of the pandemic: Should we cover our face or not? Under what circumstances? What type of mask should we use? Over the past few months, the focus of the debate has changed several times while also opening the door to conspiracy theories and misinformation.
unnecessary costs, supply problems, and the neglect of other measures, such as hand

Energy turnaround: Morocco – climate champion with question marks

From a ban on plastic bags to the world’s largest solar power plant, Morocco likes to present itself as a pioneer in climate policy. Europeans are also pinning their hopes for green electricity from the desert on the kingdom. But Morocco’s image as a climate champion is increasingly being tarnished.
On the other hand, Morocco has immeasurable potential for generating hydropower,

#FemaleForward: Euthenia-Konferenz 2023: Frauen im Mittelmeerraum führen den Wandel an

Die Euthenia-Konferenz 2023 stand unter dem Motto „Mediterranean Women Leading the Change“ (Frauen im Mittelmeerraum führen den Wandel an). Es war eine bedeutende und inspirierende Veranstaltung, die die zentrale Rolle von Frauen in Führung und Unternehmertum würdigte. Die Konferenz, die am 18. und 19. Oktober in der Stadt Alicante stattfand, bot Fachleuten eine Plattform, um Kontakte zu knüpfen, Erkenntnisse auszutauschen und Möglichkeiten für Wachstum und Zusammenarbeit im Zusammenhang mit den Rechten und der Stärkung der Rolle der Frau zu erkunden.
unseren neuen als auch den erfahrenen Mitgliedern eine offene Plattform, auf der sie Hand