Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Hand

IAF: Entrepreneurship and Open Market

Follow Muhammad Nidhal as he reflects on his experience attending the IAF seminar „Promoting Entrepreneurship and Open Markets“ in Gummersbach, where he is exposed to interactive workshops, panels, and group exercises that adds to his understanding of entrepreneurship—including its foundations, challenges, and probable solutions within the context of liberal principles.
Freedom of choice on the other hand means that individuals and businesses can make

GUINEA: Presidential elections: A shimmer of hope in the reign of darkness

Now, on Oct 18th, Guineans are once more called to the elections booths to vote for a new president. Yet there is not much doubt that the old president will also be called the new one. The 82 year old Guinean autocrat Alpha Condé is seeking a third term in office after he introduced an new constitution with dubious methods to allow him to stay in power. The opposition is subdued by the guns and bayonets of the security forces, while the electoral commission and the
On the other hand, since CDD picked up the gauntlet to go into the presidential race

GUINEA: Presidential elections: A shimmer of hope in the reign of darkness

Now, on Oct 18th, Guineans are once more called to the elections booths to vote for a new president. Yet there is not much doubt that the old president will also be called the new one. The 82 year old Guinean autocrat Alpha Condé is seeking a third term in office after he introduced an new constitution with dubious methods to allow him to stay in power. The opposition is subdued by the guns and bayonets of the security forces, while the electoral commission and the
On the other hand, since CDD picked up the gauntlet to go into the presidential race

IAF: Entrepreneurship and Open Market

Follow Muhammad Nidhal as he reflects on his experience attending the IAF seminar „Promoting Entrepreneurship and Open Markets“ in Gummersbach, where he is exposed to interactive workshops, panels, and group exercises that adds to his understanding of entrepreneurship—including its foundations, challenges, and probable solutions within the context of liberal principles.
Freedom of choice on the other hand means that individuals and businesses can make

Political issue: Corona : The Western Balkans in the geostrategic power game

Like a catalyst, the Corona Crisis has favoured a „trend towards autocratization“. Russia and China are gaining more influence via the supply of vaccines to the West Balkans. A leaning of South-East European countries always more autocrat allies is beckoning increasingly likely, concludes Michael Roick doe the German Daily Mirror.
which thanks to China is better supplied with serum than others, has also tried its hand

Frankreich: Für oder gegen Europa? Kann Macron mit seiner Sorbonne-Rede 2.0 den französischen Europawahlkampf noch für sich gewinnen?

Die lange erwartete Fortsetzung der Sorbonne-Rede von 2017 entspricht dem Wunsch des Präsidentenlagers, das Stimmungsbarometer zugunsten der Regierungspartei Renaissance auszurichten. Aktuell liegt der rechtsextreme Rassemblement National in den Umfragen mit 30-32% fast doppelt so hoch wie die Präsidentenpartei (16-17,5%).
Deindustrialisierung betont die Spitzenkandidatin Hayer, wie wichtig die schützende Hand

#FEMALEFORWARDINTERNATIONAL: A Woman on the Diplomatic Frontline

Meet Valeriia Lutkovska, the legal expert paving the way for Ukrainian Human Rights legislation. “For me, it is about human rights – not empty words but standards in each sphere of our lives. Without an understanding of my rights as a human being, it is not possible to understand what human dignity is. Only the person who can protect the right of privacy, or education, or freedom of expression – only they can understand human dignity.”
© Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom On the other hand, Ukraine established

MENA: Eine Szene liberalen Denkens

Start-ups, Gründer, Unternehmer sind nicht nur Motor für marktwirtschaftlicher Entwicklungen, sondern ebenso Treiber für Neuerungen in Politik und Gesellschaft – auch in der MENA-Region. Deshalb unterstützt die Stiftung diese als Vorreiter, Botschafter und Verteidiger liberalen Denkens. Ein Überblick über die Projekte gibt Gastautor Max Hegerbekermeier.
begeistern und zu befähigen, ihr Schicksal jenseits von starren Strukturen selbst in die Hand

Alumni Voices: Pakistan’s Budget 2023-24: Economic Assessment and Critique

The economic crisis in Pakistan is deepening, showing no signs of an imminent recovery, let alone sustainable growth. The country is grappling with severe financial strain, characterized by minimal reserves, escalating public debt, record-breaking inflation, and a rapidly depreciating currency. Against the backdrop of this economic meltdown and upcoming elections the government presented the annual budget 2023-2024 on 9 June. Read the critique by Dr Aneel Salman
faced by Pakistan, it is important to recognise the complexity of the issues at hand