Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Hand

European politics: Spanien übernimmt die EU-Ratspräsidentschaft

Sweden has handed over the Presidency of the European Council to Spain. With European elections coming up in 2024, this will be the last opportunity to finalise important legislative files during this mandate. How has the Swedish Presidency performed and what can we expect from the Spanish?
ASSOCIATED PRESS | Bernat Armangue On the 1st of July, Sweden will hand

Venezuela: Attacks against the opposition in Venezuela

The Venezuelan regime, led by Nicolás Maduro, is ratcheting up intimidation tactics as the 2024 presidential elections approach. In early December, arrest warrants were issued for opposition activists, including close associates of opposition leader Maria Corina Machado. Members of the European Parliament strongly condemn the regime’s latest action.
On the other hand, Venezuela refers to a 1966 agreement with Great Britain, which

South Korea: Tough Schools

In PISA studies, South Korean students achieve top results. Nevertheless, the education system in the country is controversial. The immense pressure to achieve good results has led to a booming market for private tutoring, exacerbating social inequalities. This is especially evident in the test crucial for university admission.
On the other hand, education and competition have an extremely high value in Korea

Bucharest | Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Romania became part of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom Southeast Europe’s sub-region in the early 1990s. The regional SEE office was already established 1999 in Bucharest when in 2006, the entire central coordination of FNF’s work was moved to Sofia. In 2014 FNF re-opened a bureau for Romania and its sister-country of Moldova in Bucharest. In over 20 years of ceaseless activity, the FNF has worked with all the local liberal parties, forces and NGO’s, and by doing so, made thousands of young people interested in liberalism. Today the main political partner is the USR party. The FNF is also in contact with all the local NGO’s who fight for the ideal of freedom.                 As in the past, the strengthening of the liberal youth and the woman’s movement, both inside and outside of political and apolitical organizations, remains a core focus of our activities: seminars, workshops, forums, conferences, event series, short-term and advisory missions, publications, web-based virtual learning opportunities, regional and international dialogue events and research activities. FNF is now a recognized voice of true liberalism in Romania which, in the future, will try to support all those liberal forces and movements who fight for freedom.
Cutting the energy supply is a core element of Russian offensive tactics – on the one hand

Migrationspolitik: Widersprüche im Senegal

Der Senegal ist eine stabile Demokratie und auf dem afrikanischen Kontinent eines der Länder, in denen es eine positive wirtschaftliche Entwicklung gibt. Diese ist natürlich auch eine Folge der stabilen Verhältnisse in dem Land.Dennoch gibt es im Senegal auch die Situation, dass trotz eines hohen Wirtschaftswachstums weniger Arbeitsplätze geschaffen werden. Jan Christoph Oetjen, Mitglied des Europäischen Parlaments, gibt nach einer Reise in den Senegal im Rahmen einer Fact Finding Mission im Interview mit eine Einschätzung über die sehr widersprüchliche Situation im Senegal, europäische Migrationspolitik und die Rolle von Entwicklungspolitik.
Auch damit, dass man Menschen die Möglichkeit gibt, das Leben in die eigene Hand

Bildung: Wie die Lufthansa, muss auch das Bildungssystem schnell wieder abheben können

Mehr als zwei Monate ist es her, dass die Schulen geschlossen wurden. Wie kann es sein, dass selbst nach zwei Monaten kein flächendeckender Unterricht per Videokonferenz etabliert worden ist? Es braucht jetzt „German Mut“ und ein großangelegtes Rettungspaket. Ein verlorenes Schuljahr kann sich Deutschland nicht leisten.
mit der Klarstellung, dass digitale Infrastruktur eine „Sache der öffentlichen Hand

IAF Programme: Eyes Wide Open: Discoveries from the Open Society Seminar and Questions for Thai Society

Ms. Thanisara Rungdej, is the CEO & Co-Founder Punch Up World. She was selected by FNF to participate in our International Academy for Leadership (IAF) The platform seeks to create an International Exchange and Advanced Training. Read about her experience and explore the concept of an ‚open society,‘ grounded in principles of individual freedom and responsibility, which fosters inclusivity and equitable mechanisms for communal living.
The academy doesn’t hand us textbooks; instead, it throws us into the arena, allowing