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Event: Breakfast Talk and Publication Launch with Charles Mok

What better way to foster meaningful conversations and public dialogue on important societal issues than with a Taiwanese breakfast and fresh coffee in an innovative environment? That’s exactly why we gathered at the NPO Hub in Taipei on June 28th. Together with our guests from different backgrounds and fields, we learned from Charles Mok’s in-depth research on the publication “The Everything, Everywhere Censorship of China.”
University, started his talk – he knows the internet industry like the back of his hand

MENAPOL Blog: Questions looming over Morocco’s role as a climate champion

Morocco presents itself as a pioneer in climate policy, from the ban on plastic bags to designing the world’s largest solar power plant. The kingdom is also the focus of European hopes to produce green electricity from the desert in the future. However, Morocco’s image as a climate champion is increasingly cracked.
On the other hand, Morocco has immeasurable potential for generating hydropower,

SMART CITIES: What can we learn from Berlin as a start-up city?

Many cities in Mexico have the conditions to become start-up cities. Through public policies, the country can foster frameworks to facilitate the opening of businesses. What makes Berlin a start-up city that other cities in Mexico could replicate? Constant transformation, formation of sustainable alliances and adaptability to change, three characteristics intrinsic to every entrepreneur.
A case we could see first-hand was the start-up “Incubator Berlin”, from the Berlin

Impfstrategie: Impfstart in Italien: Vom Populismus überschattet

Italien war das erste Land in Europa, über das vor knapp einem Jahr die Corona-Pandemie hereinbrach – mit verheerenden wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Folgen. Seit Ende Dezember steht auch in Italien der lang ersehnte Impfstoff zur Verfügung. Doch die Impfbereitschaft und das Vertrauen in die Regierung sinken in Rekordgeschwindigkeit, analysiert Rahel Zibner.
hatte die Gelegenheit, die Realität der Migrationssteuerung in Italien aus erster Hand

Migration: Untersuchung des Klimawandels und anderer Ursachen der Migration an ihrem Ursprung

Im Rahmen eines Projekts, das sich nun dem dritten Jahrestag nähert, organisierte das FNF-Büro in Madrid zusammen mit dem Büro in Dakar eine Studienreise in den Senegal, um die Ursachen der Migration in der Region zu untersuchen und besser zu verstehen, mit besonderem Schwerpunkt auf dem Klimawandel. Die Reise fand im Rahmen der Gruppe für Migrationspolitik statt, die der Mittelmeerdialog des Madrider Büros seit einigen Jahren pflegt und stärkt.
Verbänden und Gruppen von zurückgekehrten Migranten sprachen, die uns aus erster Hand

Survey: A long-term take on populist success: Presenting Timbro’s Authoritarian Populism Index (API) 2024

The 2024 Authoritarian Populism Index (API) from Timbro reveals a significant trend: the growing influence of populist and authoritarian parties in Europe. The 2023 national elections in Finland, Greece, and Spain show that populism, emphasizing conflict between ‚the people‘ and ‚the elite,‘ is becoming increasingly dominant. Currently, 26.9% of European support goes to these ideologies. Want to understand the full picture? Read more about the Index.
On the other hand, the 2024 gain in support for populist and/or authoritarian parties

International politics: Georgia

The Wagner Group’s mutiny against the Kremlin sent shockwaves across the geopolitical landscape, especially in Georgia. The response revealed Georgia’s fragmented security structure, with the ruling party, the Georgian Dream, using political spin to use the mutiny for their own political gains, while the President, experts and opposition advocated for tighter security measures.
brought into the light the contrasting approaches of the Georgian Dream party on one hand