Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Hand

Covid-19: Vaccination Kick-off in Italy: Overshadowed by Populism

Italy was the first country in Europe to be hit by the Corona pandemic almost a year ago – with devastating economic and social consequences. The long-awaited vaccine has been available in Italy since the end of December. However, the willingness to vaccinate and the trust in the government are declining at record speed, analyses Rahel Zibner.
President of the National Bioethics Committee (CNB) Lorenzo D’Avack, on the other hand

Training: Tiny Tales, Big Impact: The Power of Storytelling and Short-form Video

After 4 Classes of online LCN-Non-Profit Academy, it is high time to organize an in-person capacity building and networking opportunity for the top alumni of LCN to move forward our European network of liberal marketing professionals. This Alumni Academy is a cooperation between LCN and another flagship ‘Tell Me Your Story’ Academy of ELF and Project Polska. We would visit Warsaw to explore synergies of the two networks and leverage the storytelling expertise.
communicators hardly find their footing in the short-form video arena: On the one hand

Migration: Studying Climate Change and Other Causes of Migration at its Origin

In the framework of a project that is now approaching its third anniversary, the FNF Madrid office, alongside the Dakar office, organised a study trip to Senegal, in order to investigate and better understand the root causes of migration in the region, with special focus on climate change. The trip was part of the Migration Policy Group which the Mediterranean Dialogue of the Madrid Office has been cultivating and strengthening for the past couple of years.
with members of the Senegalese parliament, and UN officers, to hearing the first-hand

Franco-German Relations: Franco-German Defence Cooperation

A number of major dossiers on the future of defence cooperation in the EU are on the agenda of the next German government (federal elections scheduled for September this year). Looking at the different defence policies in Germany and France, the fundamental debate between inclusiveness and the ability to act in European foreign and defence policy becomes apparent.
This leads to a paradox: On the one hand, political and strategic objectives continue

Morocco: Spain and Germany reconcile with Morocco

Rising cost of living, looming food shortages in parts of the world, and a return to thinking in terms of „spheres of influence.“ The Russian war of aggression in Ukraine is having a global impact. In many places, for example, it is acting as a catalyst for a readjustment of international relations and is even causing a renaissance of „realpolitik“ in some parts of the world. This is the case, for example, in relations between European partners and Morocco.
resistance of queer people in Morocco Being queer in Morocco has many faces: on the one hand

Bulgarien: Bulgarien im Ausnahmezustand

Seit fast zwei Monaten gibt es in Bulgarien täglich Demonstrationen gegen Korruption. Die Forderung nach Rücktritten hallt jeden Abend durch die Straßen der Hauptstadt. Die Hartnäckigkeit der Demonstranten könnte zu nachhaltigen Veränderungen führen, analysiert Martin Kothé, Projektleiter der Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit in Bulgarien.
, also die publizistische Macht, die durch die Akkumulation von Medien in einer Hand