Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Hand

Stoltenberg-Nachfolge : Iohannis bewirbt sich um Posten als Nato-Chef

Der niederländische Ministerpräsident Mark Rutte galt bisher als Favorit im Rennen um den Posten des NATO-Generalsekretärs. Doch nun hat der rumänische Präsident verkündet, dass er offiziell seine Kandidatur einreicht.
Für den rumänischen Kandidaten gehen „Macht und Abschreckung Hand in Hand, und die

Trade policy: Ukrainische Logistiker

The war in Ukraine has been raging for over two years and its effects are far-reaching. In addition to direct suffering, the focus is also on indirect consequences, such as the search for new trade routes and overcoming logistical challenges. Border blockades and political tensions are exacerbating the situation, but require a coordinated European response to ensure stability and competitiveness in the region.
On the one hand, they are mourning the loss of life in their own country, dealing

40 years of FNF Jordan: 40 years of FNF Jordan

The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF Jordan) marked its 40th anniversary in Jordan, highlighting a four-decade-long partnership dedicated to promoting democratic values, economic empowerment, and civic engagement. The event brought together notable figures from the political, social, and economic sectors to honour this significant milestone.
retrospective of FNF’s journey in Jordan, showcasing the Foundation’s extensive efforts hand

Female Forward: FNF Madrid and Alicante Futura connect the female talent of the region in the first congress of women executives in the Mediterranean.

Last Thursday, December 15, the first congress of executive women ‚Euthenia 2022: The Mediterranean Executive Women Conference‘ was held at the Museum of Contemporary Art of Alicante (MACA). This event, promoted by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom together with Alicante Futura and with the collaboration of Casa Mediterráneo, was held with the aim of connecting female talent in the region.
On the one hand, the successful panel focused its debate on the different challenges

Female Forward: En la ciencia sí existe el género: desigualdad en la medicina

On International Women’s Day, in addition to vindicating the role of women in society, it is also necessary to analyze the state of science for women. The consequences of the lack of inclusion and gender stereotypes are real and tangible: the invisibilization of women in science not only perpetuates the professional gender gap, but also represents a health risk.
On the one hand, there is still a participation and inclusion gap in STEM (Science

Centroamérica: Migrants’ regularization, a pending issue  for Mexican migratory policy

The year 2010 marked a turning point in Mexico’s approach to migratory policy. The massacre of 72 migrants from Central and South America victimized by organized crime in the ranch of San Fernando, Tamaulipas in northern Mexico, positioned irregular migration in transit through Mexico at the forefront of the country’s political and social agenda for the first time. 
On the one hand, taking into account historical dynamics and flow mobilities between

Wirtschaft : Inflation

Die Hyperinflation von 1921 bis 1923 hat tiefe Narben im kollektiven Gedächtnis der Deutschen hinterlassen. Die Sorgen vor einer erneuten Inflationskrise sind heute so präsent wie vor 100 Jahren. Wie kann und muss man Inflation heute begegnen – auch und insbesondere um die Demokratie vor ähnlich schwerwiegenden Schäden, wie sie 1923 entstanden sind, zu schützen? Darüber diskutierten beim #EconomicDialogue Bundesfinanzminister Christian Lindner, EZB-Präsidentin Christine Lagarde, der Ökonom und Vorsitzende der Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung, Professor Karl-Heinz Paqué, sowie der Wirtschaftshistoriker Professor Albrecht Ritschl von der London School of Economics.
Geschichte nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg zeige, dass Preisstabilität und Demokratie Hand

Migration: Studying Climate Change and Other Causes of Migration at its Origin

In the framework of a project that is now approaching its third anniversary, the FNF Madrid office, alongside the Dakar office, organised a study trip to Senegal, in order to investigate and better understand the root causes of migration in the region, with special focus on climate change. The trip was part of the Migration Policy Group which the Mediterranean Dialogue of the Madrid Office has been cultivating and strengthening for the past couple of years.
with members of the Senegalese parliament, and UN officers, to hearing the first-hand

Franco-German Relations: Franco-German Defence Cooperation

A number of major dossiers on the future of defence cooperation in the EU are on the agenda of the next German government (federal elections scheduled for September this year). Looking at the different defence policies in Germany and France, the fundamental debate between inclusiveness and the ability to act in European foreign and defence policy becomes apparent.
This leads to a paradox: On the one hand, political and strategic objectives continue