Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Hand

Visiting Program: Business and Human Rights Visiting Program in Germany and Brussels

FNF’s „Business and Human Rights“ program in Germany and Brussels explored integrating human rights into business practices, focusing on EU and German regulations. Aimed at Turkish participants, it delved into the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive and Germany’s Supply Chain Act, emphasizing legal and ethical obligations. The program sets a standard for international collaboration in corporate responsibility, aiding Turkish businesses in EU compliance.
Being queer in Morocco has many faces: on the one hand

Spanien, Italien, Portugal und Mittelmeerdialog | Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung

Das Büro Madrid setzt sich für liberale Werte und Ideen in Südeuropa ein und stärkt den politischen Dialog zwischen politischen Parteien, wissenschaftlichen Institutionen und Organisationen aus der Zivilgesellschaft in Spanien, Italien, Portugal, Deutschland und der EU. Wir möchten zur Lösung spezifischer regionaler Herausforderungen in Südeuropa beitragen und „best practices“ aus dieser für den europäischen Integrationsprozess immer wichtigeren Region hervorheben. Gleichzeitig widmet sich das Projektbüro dem strategischen interregionalen Dialog im Mittelmeerraum zu Themen wie Freihandel, Energie, Sicherheit oder Migration.
Realität der Migrationssteuerung in Italien aus erster Hand

EU-Parlament: Follow the money in „Qatargate“

The noose of accusations against top European politicians is tightening. For a few days in mid-December, new reports came to light every day that discredited the European Union’s only institution with direct democratic legitimacy, the European Parliament. The damage is considerable. If the European Union does not want to lose the last trust of its citizens to the already existing Euroscepticism, it must act quickly and reform its institutions to counteract the image of an elitist and self-enriching political caste.
On the other hand, De Croo has an easy time of it.

war impact: Inflationary wave in the Mediterranean

The current inflationary trend is the result of a combination of factors such as production bottlenecks after the pandemic, the post-Covid rush for recovery and, above all, the war in Ukraine. Europe, the US and the various countries of the Mediterranean basin are proving unable to control this historic escalation in energy supply prices.
On the other hand, in June, the Mediterranean basin

What can be done to counter fake news?

The fake news phenomenon has been at the epicentre of the socio-political debate about communication on the internet since the 2016 US presidential elections, if not before. But what exactly is fake news? What is its impact? What makes it different in the era of internetbased news communication? And, most importantly: what can be done to counter it?
fake” can have unintended consequences: on the one hand

What’s next for corporate Innovation?

Inspired by the success of Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, and Microsoft, many companies are trying to copy their work model by having more open and stylish work spaces, providing more leisure facilities like gaming console or ping pong table, flexible work hours, among others. The goal of doing all these is to generate a culture of innovation by providing a pleasant work environment.
They are not convinced that new technology can go hand