Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Hand

International Academy for Leadership: “Empowering Women in Politics: A Leadership Workout”

Can women truly perform as a leader in politics? In the latest IAF Seminar titled “Empowering Women in Politics: A Leadership Workout”, Mia Michaela, IAF delegate from Indonesia, had the opportunity to grow as a leader via various seminar sessions with remarkable women in high levels of politics from around the world. Read her experience here!
On the other hand, Marike, with a Master’s Degree in

Bucharest | Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung

Romania became part of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom Southeast Europe’s sub-region in the early 1990s. The regional SEE office was already established 1999 in Bucharest when in 2006, the entire central coordination of FNF’s work was moved to Sofia. In 2014 FNF re-opened a bureau for Romania and its sister-country of Moldova in Bucharest. In over 20 years of ceaseless activity, the FNF has worked with all the local liberal parties, forces and NGO’s, and by doing so, made thousands of young people interested in liberalism. Today the main political partner is the USR party. The FNF is also in contact with all the local NGO’s who fight for the ideal of freedom.                 As in the past, the strengthening of the liberal youth and the woman’s movement, both inside and outside of political and apolitical organizations, remains a core focus of our activities: seminars, workshops, forums, conferences, event series, short-term and advisory missions, publications, web-based virtual learning opportunities, regional and international dialogue events and research activities. FNF is now a recognized voice of true liberalism in Romania which, in the future, will try to support all those liberal forces and movements who fight for freedom.
element of Russian offensive tactics – on the one hand

One Foundation: Tambghrabit („Solidarität“): Eine transformative Reise von One Foundation in Marokko

Im Rahmen des Austauschprogramms von FNF One Foundation habe ich drei Wochen lang Einblicke in die Arbeit des FNF-Büros in Marokko erhalten. Marokko spielt im Rahmen des Projekts Mittelmeerdialog des FNF-Büros in Madrid eine zentrale Rolle. Dieser Austausch hat dazu beigetragen, die Verbindungen zwischen den beiden Büros (FNF Madrid und Marokko) zu stärken und die gemeinsamen Ziele des Projekts voranzutreiben, das darauf abzielt, den Dialog zwischen Deutschland, der Europäischen Union und den südlichen und östlichen Mittelmeerländern zu etablieren und zu stärken.
zusammenzustehen und denen, die in Not sind, eine helfende Hand

Bucharest | Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung

Romania became part of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom Southeast Europe’s sub-region in the early 1990s. The regional SEE office was already established 1999 in Bucharest when in 2006, the entire central coordination of FNF’s work was moved to Sofia. In 2014 FNF re-opened a bureau for Romania and its sister-country of Moldova in Bucharest. In over 20 years of ceaseless activity, the FNF has worked with all the local liberal parties, forces and NGO’s, and by doing so, made thousands of young people interested in liberalism. Today the main political partner is the USR party. The FNF is also in contact with all the local NGO’s who fight for the ideal of freedom.                 As in the past, the strengthening of the liberal youth and the woman’s movement, both inside and outside of political and apolitical organizations, remains a core focus of our activities: seminars, workshops, forums, conferences, event series, short-term and advisory missions, publications, web-based virtual learning opportunities, regional and international dialogue events and research activities. FNF is now a recognized voice of true liberalism in Romania which, in the future, will try to support all those liberal forces and movements who fight for freedom.
element of Russian offensive tactics – on the one hand

War in Europe: Ukraine: Resisting the temptation of quick solutions

The Russian war of aggression on Ukraine has severely shaken the Ukrainian economy. But the first reaction of the government and the national bank to the war shock was competent: the suspension of import duties as well as the easing of the tax burden strengthened the confidence of the economy and society in the government. After the first steps towards economic liberalisation, however, the government returned to the modus operandi of the pre-war period.
and the USA, it would be desirable to, on the one hand

Polarization is a lethal threat to democracy

Find the interview with Martin Kothé for for the Premiere of Black Book of Government Waste 2020 for the Bulgarian daily newspaper, Dnevnik. Again, we at FNF were able to compile 15 stories of inefficient or questionable spending of Bulgarian citizens’ money, including indications of corruption or conflicts of interest. By pointing out these cases, we invite Bulgarians to demand transparency and accountability from the authorities. We believe Bulgarians have a right to know how their money is spent, and the people’s money should create welfare.
there is no undue media concentration in a single hand

Wahlen: El Salvador auf dem Weg hin zu einem autoritären Regime?

Bei den Präsidentschafts- und Parlamentswahlen in El Salvador steht viel auf dem Spiel. Aber das Ergebnis scheint im Voraus festzustehen. Der 42-jährige Mandatsträger Nayib Bukele wird wahrscheinlich in Kürze seine – an sich verfassungswidrige – zweite Amtszeit antreten.
Bevölkerung befürwortet diese Politik der harten Hand

INDUSTRY: Arab wines: Oasis of freedom

They are the fruit of the Coptic Christian or Jewish tradition, of the customs imported from the colonizing countries, especially France, of the demands of tourists or of the courageous entrepreneurship of a handful of businessmen. Wine in the Arab countries of the Mediterranean arc is an inherent part of their culture, uses and customs.
survey generates primary research and extensive first-hand

Taiwan: An Taiwan denken

Im globalen Vergleich spielt Taiwan im Freiheits-Ranking ganz vorne mit: Die Insel hat eine freie Presse, ein frei diskutierendes Parlament und es herrscht Rechtsstaatlichkeit. Doch gerade diese demokratischen Qualitäten setzen das Land stark unter Druck. So hat Xi Jinping in den letzten Jahren seine Rhetorik gegenüber Taiwan verschärft, so dass die mögliche Aussicht auf einen Besatzungsversuch gar nicht so abwegig ist. Es kommt nun darauf an, dass Taiwan eine intelligente und erfolgreiche Verteidigungsstrategie entwickelt.
Es liegt auf der Hand, dass Taiwan harte politische

North Macedonia: North Macedonia’s elections

North Macedonia’s elections saw a significant change in power dynamics, with the conservative opposition claiming victory. As the country grapples with longstanding challenges and navigates its path toward EU integration, the choices made today will profoundly influence its future direction.
On the other hand, DUI faces isolation from governance