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Reshape Europe: ‚One Year of Ukrainian War: What Does it Mean for Global Security and Southeast Asia?‘ – FNF Indonesia Alumni Gathering 2023

On February 10, 2023, FNF Indonesia held our annual alumni gathering in our office. Following the major subject of FNF Global #ReshapeEurope this year, we asked Prof. Olexiy Haran from the University of Kyiv Mohyla Academy (UKMA) in Kyiv, Ukraine, to speak about the war in Ukraine through the perspective of a Ukrainian and a Ukrainian scholar. We think that the event titled ‚One Year of Ukrainian War: What Does it Mean for Global Security and Southeast Asia?‘ will help us comprehend how the war impacts global security, particularly in Southeast Asia.
honored to have a Ukrainian guest giving us first-hand

Malaysia General Election : 15th Malaysia General Election: Time to Campaign Online

I’m not sure how the community leaders were chosen in the prehistoric times. I can only imagine that the process is similar to choosing the leader of an animal pact; the strongest individual will be appointed as the leader and will give protection to its followers.
With the development of technology in hand, we will

Migrationspakt: Raus aus dem Reformstau: was bringt der neue Migrationspakt der EU?

Die Stimmung war angespannt, als Margaritis Schinas und Ylva Johansson letzten Mittwoch mit ihrem Migrationspakt vor die Presse traten. „Niemand wird zufrieden sein“, prophezeite die EU-Kommissarin für Migration und interne Angelegenheiten die Reaktionen auf die mehr als 300 Seiten starken Vorschläge. Erwartungsgemäß stimmten die Regierungschefs der Visegrád-Staaten wenige Tage später den Kritikerchor an.
Kompromissfähigkeit herstellen Zwar ist nicht von der Hand

East Asia: “Ein Versuch, die Spannungen abzubauen”

For the first time since 2019, a summit meeting between China, Japan and South Korea is scheduled for end of May. China’s aggressive approach and Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine have increased tensions in East Asia. But the states are closely intertwined economically. The summit in South Korea’s capital is intended to counteract increasing bloc formation. spoke to Frederic Spohr, head of the Korea office of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom in Seoul, about the background of the next meeting.
On the other hand, since the war in Ukraine there has

Migration: Liberals at the Helm

In a landmark development, under the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union (EU), the European Parliament and Council have reached a historic agreement on the Pact on Migration and Asylum, setting the stage for a comprehensive overhaul of the EU’s approach to migration, at the end of last year. As the EU charts its course toward the 2024 European elections, the ramifications of this pact reverberate through the political landscape, particularly for liberal policymakers.
The pivotal question at hand is whether the framework

European Affairs: France-German Relations in an Era of Intergovernmentalism

The ceremonies on the 60th anniversary of the Elysée Treaty reaffirmed the friendship between France and Germany. While the Franco-German Ministerial Council had been postponed as it needed to prepare itself better, the outcomes were disappointing in the absence of major announcements.
bilateral ties with countries around France on the one hand

Krieg in Europa: Ist Georgien das nächste Ziel Russlands?

Der russische Überfall auf die Ukraine weckt auch in anderen ehemaligen Sowjetrepubliken neue Ängste und Besorgnisse. Beispiel: Georgien, wo bereits 2008 russische Soldaten auf Geheiß Putins einmarschiert waren. Die ehemalige georgische Verteidigungsministerin Tinatin Khidasheli, der Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung langjährig verbunden, analysiert die Lage.
unabdingbare Niederlage kommt, liegt heute alleine in der Hand

NATO: Historic NATO Summit in Madrid

Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg described the summit of NATO member states and partners as the biggest transformation of collective defence since the end of the Cold War. The summit was described by all participants as transformative and historic. And rightly so: a new strategic concept, robust investments in equipment and a strong focus on pre-defence and deterrence were agreed.
environment and indicating new ways to face the threats at hand

Sri Lanka: Chronik einer angekündigten Wirtschaftskrise

Mit dem Rücktritt und der Neubesetzung des gesamten Regierungskabinetts im April 2022 erreicht die schwerste Krise seit der Unabhängigkeit Sri Lankas einen neuen politischen Höhepunkt. Die Corona-Pandemie und der Krieg in der Ukraine beschleunigten diese, dochdie Ursachen sind hausgemacht: langjährige Misswirtschaft, Nepotismus und populistische Steuergeschenke.
populistischer Wahlkampf und die Ankündigung einer „harten Hand