Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Hand

Migration: Climate Change as a Cause for Migration

On May 4th, at the headquarters of the Union of the Mediterranean (UfM) in Barcelona, we presented with the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed)our latest joint report titled Climate Change and Migration: Understanding Factors, Developing Opportunities in the Sahel Zone, West Africa, and the Maghreb. This comprehensive report, which is now available for download on our website, represents months of work, including data collection in Senegal and Morocco, interviews with local communities, and statistical analysis.
, providing a contextual overview of the issue at hand

Italien und der afrikanische Mittelmeerraum: Italien setzt auf strategische Diplomatie mit dem afrikanischen Mittelmeerraum

Italien verstärkt seine diplomatische und investitionspolitische Strategie nicht nur gegenüber dem afrikanischen Mittelmeerraum, sondern auch gegenüber dem Rest des Kontinents durch seinen Mattei-Plan, der mit Investitionen in Höhe von 5,5 Milliarden Euro beginnt.
Realität der Migrationssteuerung in Italien aus erster Hand

South Africa: Why the former archenemies could help the country move forward

South Africa already has experience with governments of national unity: the first democratically elected government in post-apartheid South Africa 30 years ago. It was led by the African National Congress (ANC) under President Nelson Mandela and formed a coalition with the National Party (NP), which represented the interests of a right-wing conservative white population, and the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP), which fights for the Zulu ethnic group at a political level. Now the time has come again.
Steenhuisen, rechts, schüttelt dem ANC-Vorsitzenden die Hand

CELAC-EU Summit : CELAC-EU Summit

At the long-awaited EU-CELAC summit, a disappointingly vague final declaration was issued: the autocracies in Latin America, especially Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua, prevented a clear naming of Russia as the aggressor in the Ukraine war. The lack of agreement highlights the challenges in the relationship between Europe and Latin America, where economic cooperation and eye-to-eye collaboration are crucial to promote democratic and liberal values.
the autocratic regimes of Russia and China on one hand

Vodcast: Looking for the one: Leader Starter Pack

Striving to raise awareness on socio-political issues, FNF Philippines provides a platform to ignite conversation and trigger actions. Tambay (Tagalog for „hangout“) is a vodcast or video podcast where people come together to hang out and talk about things that matter. In the first episode, we talk about leadership and what it takes to be a leader?
On the other hand, you may have felt discouraged and

Bucharest | Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung

Romania became part of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom Southeast Europe’s sub-region in the early 1990s. The regional SEE office was already established 1999 in Bucharest when in 2006, the entire central coordination of FNF’s work was moved to Sofia. In 2014 FNF re-opened a bureau for Romania and its sister-country of Moldova in Bucharest. In over 20 years of ceaseless activity, the FNF has worked with all the local liberal parties, forces and NGO’s, and by doing so, made thousands of young people interested in liberalism. Today the main political partner is the USR party. The FNF is also in contact with all the local NGO’s who fight for the ideal of freedom.                 As in the past, the strengthening of the liberal youth and the woman’s movement, both inside and outside of political and apolitical organizations, remains a core focus of our activities: seminars, workshops, forums, conferences, event series, short-term and advisory missions, publications, web-based virtual learning opportunities, regional and international dialogue events and research activities. FNF is now a recognized voice of true liberalism in Romania which, in the future, will try to support all those liberal forces and movements who fight for freedom.
element of Russian offensive tactics – on the one hand

War in Europe: Ukraine: Resisting the temptation of quick solutions

The Russian war of aggression on Ukraine has severely shaken the Ukrainian economy. But the first reaction of the government and the national bank to the war shock was competent: the suspension of import duties as well as the easing of the tax burden strengthened the confidence of the economy and society in the government. After the first steps towards economic liberalisation, however, the government returned to the modus operandi of the pre-war period.
and the USA, it would be desirable to, on the one hand

One Foundation: Tambghrabit („Solidarität“): Eine transformative Reise von One Foundation in Marokko

Im Rahmen des Austauschprogramms von FNF One Foundation habe ich drei Wochen lang Einblicke in die Arbeit des FNF-Büros in Marokko erhalten. Marokko spielt im Rahmen des Projekts Mittelmeerdialog des FNF-Büros in Madrid eine zentrale Rolle. Dieser Austausch hat dazu beigetragen, die Verbindungen zwischen den beiden Büros (FNF Madrid und Marokko) zu stärken und die gemeinsamen Ziele des Projekts voranzutreiben, das darauf abzielt, den Dialog zwischen Deutschland, der Europäischen Union und den südlichen und östlichen Mittelmeerländern zu etablieren und zu stärken.
zusammenzustehen und denen, die in Not sind, eine helfende Hand

Schweden: Zu viel Einfluss für die Rechtsextremen

Schweden erlebt einen dramatischen Regierungswechsel. Erstmals in der Geschichte des skandinavischen Landes wird eine Minderheitsregierung von Konservativen, Christdemokraten und einer der beiden liberalen Parteien durch die rechtsextremen Schwedendemokraten im Parlament unterstützt. Ein Machtwechsel, der die Rechtsextremen ins Zentrum der Macht katapultiert. Während Teile der schwedischen Liberalen gegen die Regierungsbeteiligung skeptisch bleiben, nimmt die neue Regierung unter Ulf Kristersson die Arbeit auf.
nationalistischen Partei die Schlüssel zum Regierungsamt in die Hand